Switching to formula - constipation


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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I have switched from breastfeeding to formula (SMA gold), i gradually reduced the number of feeds on the boob, swapping them for a bottle. This week i have taken out 2 feeds and he is down to one breastfeed a day (but my milk supply is so low now, im not sure how long it will last).

My poor boy is now constipated and in agony straining to poo, its heartbreaking! I am trying to give him cool boiled water, but he doesnt like it and refuses it. I have massaged his tummy, tried bicycle legs, warm baths, and given him sugar water, nothing seems to work. Can anyone help? I hate seeing him in so much pain!
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its horrid isnt it, Jasper has awful constipation sometimes :( From what i have heard Aptimal is easier to digest for wee stomachs than SMA so maybe try that

Also a tiny bit of freshly squeezed orange juice (1 mil to 10 mils of cool boiled water) is a method

also a spoonful of brown sugar in 10mils of cool boiled water

good luck :( I know how hard it is so big hugs to you x
Thanks, I will switch milk and see how that goes. I feel so helpless and guilty for stopping breastfeeding!

finley had the sme problem and the midwife told me to give him diluted fruit juice but it had 2 be something like grape juice or prune juice not orange or anything like that
Paige was the same, we tried the bath, belly rubbing, bicycle, all that jazz but in the end we gave her 1oz of warm water and later that night I had 3 big ol' poops to deal with lol.
Has it settled now or do your LO's still get it regularly? X
yes my LO's has settled now plenty of sloppy poo's 2 change lol.
lol yep, same as mel, get a poo everyday to clean :) usually at 3am...safe to say it wakes me up a bit!
Good to know, thank u xxx
Annabelles constipated too (hers is from baby gaviscon). we tried cooled boiled water which helps a tad but the doc prescribed her some lactulose yesterday so hoping that will work.

she LOVED the clock wise tummy rub even if it didnt help :)
Never been so happy to see a poo in my life!!! Yay! X
Jasper only poos once every three or so days, it usually is a bit of work for him bless but hes not constipated

stopped giving him infant gaviscon but will do rarely if he is throwing up and screaming, mostly its just vomit now which doesnt bother him so much so we leave him be
same with my sil and she was advised to change to aptamil and made a massive difference :) aptamil poos are also yellow like breastfed babies so apparently thats a great sign! :) xx
So I changed to aptimil and have been giving him water. He has been pooing every other day but still seems to be in pain a lot of the day, poor thing, he screams then does a pump. I am going to try colief today and hope that helps, if it doesn't, I will try a comfort milk (I don't want to change his milk again yet). Anyone used colief? X
So I changed to aptimil and have been giving him water. He has been pooing every other day but still seems to be in pain a lot of the day, poor thing, he screams then does a pump. I am going to try colief today and hope that helps, if it doesn't, I will try a comfort milk (I don't want to change his milk again yet). Anyone used colief? X

this is what happened to me i was convinced finley had consipation which he did a little bit i think he used 2 cry loads at night and go bright red in the face and strain loads. i explaine this 2 the midwife and she said its colic. which made sense really because it was always worse at night time and he did struggle to get his wind up.
ever since ive been giving infacol which has helped and got alot better.
i'd give the colief a go and she how he gets on, so hard 2 diagnose whats wrong with them isnt it.
I know it is so frustrating not knowing what is wrong and what to do! It seems to be helping so far, so I'll stick with it. Xxx

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