Swinging Cribs, Cots and Moses Baskets Questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Hi all, just wondering if those of you who have /or used Swinging Cribs can help! Are they worth buying as me and my OH have been thinking of getting a Swinging Crib as it will be smaller than a Cot and you can supposedly rock baby back to sleep.

So do they really make a difference, if you rock the crib does your baby fall back to sleep easier or is it just a waste of money and better spent on a Cot?

Also when we've looked at some Swinging Cribs in the shops some dont seem very sturdy and some have the 'locking crib' function so it doesnt have to rock but half of them the little knob things are hard to work and have scratch marks where obviously other people have tried but cant do it either, so can anyone recommend a good 1?

If not we do have a Moses Basket that we could buy a rocker stand for but i dont know how safe they are? They look abit easy to tip over?

Thanks in advance x
I couldn't afford a crib so have a rocking stand for moses basket. Works wonders for Angel and absolutely no chance of tipping over. They don't rock a great deal. Just enough to send her to sleep.
yeah i agree with lisa. although it was a while ago, we just had the moses basket with the stand. I just think they grow out of them so quickly for the money you have to pay!

And it was very sturdy....even when my 14month old niece was pulling at the basket to try and see her cousin!
We had a rocking stand with moses basket for our son, which worked really well to be honest, but the only thing was he grew out of it so quickly! Hence this time we have gone for a rocking crib instead, as being bigger it should last longer in theory!! We got one from mothercare, and have had no problems with the knob to stop it rocking, it is pretty easy. My son has been putting his teddies in it and rocking them, then uses the knob to stop it, so it cant be that bad if a 3 year old can work it. To be fair though, that was the only crib we looked at, so I have no experience of other makes or models and how fiddly they are.
Finances were really tight for me, so I just had a moses basket to start with, that sat on my bed with me (no stand)

Then when he outgrew that (about 7weeks) straight to a cotbed - which'll convert to a real bed when he's older.
We just had a crib donated to us which was nice. The thing to stop it rocking is easy enough to use. Up until now she's been in a moses basket which is far too small for her and unfortunately the cot won't fit in our room. We had a rocking stand for the moses basket and it was perfectly safe!

I only rock her if she's exceedingly grumpy (which is rare) as I don't want to have to do that every time she wants to go to sleep.
Luke wouldn't settle in his swinging crib OR moses basket so both were a complete waste of money for us.

We went and bought a second cot for our room (cheap one) from Kiddicare and he's been in that ever since. :D
We have the babies r us swinging crib (was about £60 inc mattress) we don't use the swinging bit though! It is easy enough to swap from swinging to not.

We don't have room in our room for a cot so the crib was the best option for us.

We don't have a moses basket but the carrycot that we bought alongside our pram doubles up as one when we need it.

She sleeps fine in her crib, but then again she'll sleep pretty well anywhere!
connor's just grown out of his swinging crib (mothercare). it didn't really work for him - too wriggly and prefers our bed... :roll: but i'll be holding on to it for future babies as i really liked it.

:hug: Thanks for all the replies everyone been really helpful to get your thoughts and views! I'll have to show my OH this thread and have a chat about whats going to be best for us money wise and for length of use etc. Thanks again x
Sorry to put in my opinion when im not a mum but just wanted to gove you my opinion as I just went through this same dilema of moses or crib. We liked moses as smaller but also this was a downside as it means they grow out of them so fast, so we went for a swinging crib and I have to say I love it! We've got it next to the bed so when he wakes we can swing it, another plus is it has the bars so unlike a moses you can see baby from the side without having to look over basket. And although its big compared to moses it will last alot longer and still looks pretty. Ours was £75 from our local baby shop who ordered it in for me and the catch to stop it rocking is really easy to use, heres a pic...........

Hope this helps xx
I bought a swinging crib and a moses basket and they were a waste of money. Our lo wouldn't settle in either. x
I think the ones in shops can be a pretty bad way of seeing the swing action on the cribs, i worked in toys r us and we put up the swing crib, found it rather difficult and the swing mechanism never worked on our display model, TBH it was very likely our lack of experience and being rushed that made it not work, but funnily enough i dont think we sold many of them. So yeah that could be why the ones in shops look so difficult to use.

I personally have gone for a moses basket and cot bed, i wanted the moses basket for when she's little and got the cot bed for when she's bigger and it'll last for years.
i have a swinging crib in the bedroom and a moses basket in the lounge, have used both for all of mine. :D
Ive got the portland crib from mothercare, it doesnt rock but i liked it better than most ive seen, it fits in the tight space we have and this may sound harsh or niave but i dont really want my baby to get used to being rocked to sleep cause it will cause problems when transfering to the cot.

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