
My mate swears by hers! she said its the best invention out.
I think it depends on the baby to be honest. Mine would have been a waste of money as my DD will quite happily sit in her bouncer for hours watching me go about housework, making phonecalls etc, but I know I'm lucky, other Mum's find them a godsend. Some babies use a swing to get to sleep for naps or to relieve colic symptoms I think etc.

Its also a big bit of plastic cluttering up your house (I don't have a swing or a jumperoo or a walker but took 10 bags of stuff to the charity shop today to make room for DD's mountain of STUFF) - so make sure you have room for it and can store it when you've finished using it for good.

Valentine Xxx
I didn't have that exact swing but had a Link a Doos one and my LO loved it. Plus she used to fall asleep in it so I got a bit of time to myself.
We had that and it was a godsend!! Anytime Lewis was unsettled or bad with his colic I just had to put him in it and before I knew it he was asleep. The fisherprice one you have posted folds up so you could put it away when your not using it and it wouldn't take up much space although to be honest its not all that bulky anyway.

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