

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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been to midwife appt. today, measuring at 45 weeks! also had a sweep :( not nice but lets hope it makes something happen, middy said my cervix was stretchy! lol anyway she made me another appt. for next thursday and said she will give me another sweep if i still havent popped! lets hope i have by then i dont want a sweep again lol
45 weeks?! :shock:

I had a sweep today as well, definately not nice! :shakehead: She said there was a lot of 'gunk in there!'. :think:

Hopefully your LO will arrive before next week so you don't have to get another sweep done! :hug: Have you been given an induction date yet?
:shock: wow your measuring big.
Lets hope that the sweep worked and you can be in the race for the next one to pop hun :hug:
xjoann said:
45 weeks?! :shock:

I had a sweep today as well, definately not nice! :shakehead: She said there was a lot of 'gunk in there!'. :think:

Hopefully your LO will arrive before next week so you don't have to get another sweep done! :hug: Have you been given an induction date yet?

hi xjoann, sorry your back without Aimee. I was hoping you would have had her by now xx, they have given me 4th august for induction, lets hope our sweeps work! :cheer:
Aww iv yet to hear of it but have loads of newly invented


It could be a large amount of water??? im assuming this measurement was done by tape measure not by scan, 45 wks is that even possible?>

Good luck for dd baby bubba comes soon...
I hope your baby arrives soon! It cant be comfy measuring that big!
Hope your sweep works :pray: If not though I'm having a sweep next Thursday too and we could be sweep buddies lol. Really hoping we both pop before then though :pray:
I was only 1cm dialted when I had a sweep done.
I had it done on a Thursday then went into labour on the Sat.
Hope your not left waiting to long to meet LO.

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