

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
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Hi ladies,

I'm 39+1 today and have just been for a scan due to reduced movements PLUS midwives suddenly decided they were concerned about baby being beeech when it's been 3/5 engaged since 31 weeks....?

Anyhow, scan went well, baby is not breech and there are no concerns regarding growth, placenta or fluid etc.

However, my blood pressure has been raised a couple of times this past 2 weeks, and I was sent to have it checked at MAU today whilst having my scan as it went up yesterday. Turned out it wasn't TOO high, and the midwife decided to use a different cuff to ensure she didn't get a high reading. Now I'm not being funny but surely if my blood pressure is high, then faffing around with cuffs isn't going to give an accurate reading. They've decided I should always use the "large adult" cuff, despite not being a large lady myself (No offense intended there) as with that cuff they got an ok reading. To be honest I think that this is a load of rubbish, the cuff practically went from my elbow to my armpit it was that big!!

So aside from feeling rather disappointed and now losing all trust in the midwives, I really want to have a sweep to try and get baby going as I don't think I can cope with waiting til 41 weeks while my bp is up and down and I don't feel they're getting accurate readings.

How early can I demand a sweep?? My midwife told me yesterday they normally leave it til 41 weeks for a first baby but I don't want my blood pressure to keep creeping up and cause a problem when they can't seem to accept a reading!

Thanks in advance and sorry for the essay!
Hi, I'm not really sure about your rights for demanding one but I can tell you that your story sounds similar to my first baby. I never had any extra scans but was monitored twice for reduced movement. I had already by that point been booked for a sweep on my due date. I actually went in to labour naturally three hours before the sweep appointment so never needed it but it shows that different areas do different things x
Even my due date sounds better to me than going over! Thank you, will see what midwife says!

They should have had me for a scan much sooner anyways as I've been in with reduced movements 5 times now! Naughty baby!

Thank you :)
I think in my area you get offered a sweep at 40 weeks?

Is it something you could see your doctor about, especially to discuss your blood pressure.

I feel your frustration, I hate feeling out of control xx
Oooh hopefully I can persuade her then!! I'm just concerned about it keep rising, and although I haven't had protein in my urine so it's unlikely to be preeclampsia, I just don't feel that stressing about it is going to help keep it down!
Hooray having a sweep at exactly 40 weeks!! Not long left to wait hehe! Thanks so much ladies x
Yay! Fingers crossed it gets things going for you! xx
Thank you!! I'm keeping everything crossed (except my legs of course!!) haha!

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