I am 38+4 but being induced on wed at 39 weeks due to having gestational diabetes.
Mw came to house today to try and do a sweep but she wasnt able to as she said my cervix was far back and has written in my notes that it was 'posterior'.
She is coming back tues to try again but i'm not holding out any hope anything will have changed. Anyone have this happen to them or any tips to bring cervix forward? She said to do plenty of bouncing on my ball but said technique of bouncing up and down isnt that effective and it should be more of a 'thrusting' motion forwards and backwards, she actually described it as twerking on the ball
Mw came to house today to try and do a sweep but she wasnt able to as she said my cervix was far back and has written in my notes that it was 'posterior'.
She is coming back tues to try again but i'm not holding out any hope anything will have changed. Anyone have this happen to them or any tips to bring cervix forward? She said to do plenty of bouncing on my ball but said technique of bouncing up and down isnt that effective and it should be more of a 'thrusting' motion forwards and backwards, she actually described it as twerking on the ball

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