sweep done, induction on the 12th


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hi all went to obstetrician today who decided to do a membrane sweep which hurt like hell. Im being induced on my dads birthday a week today. Has anyone else been induced before and if so whats it like can i still move around or not?

Thanks in advance
Hey bidsey, how come they gave u a sweep and are inducing u early?
Ye cause ive got gall stones n just been in pain for weeks. My due date is 16th. She said I could be induced in the next few days but I really want to see if he comes on his own first x
My waters broke naturally and I got to 3cm but then my labour stopped so I ended up getting the drip to induce labour.

I have to admit it was hard because it brought everything on hard and fast but it was over with quite quickly. You can still move about all you like, no restrictions there.
Ye cause ive got gall stones n just been in pain for weeks. My due date is 16th. She said I could be induced in the next few days but I really want to see if he comes on his own first x

Oh no, hope things get moving for you soon!
My waters broke naturally and I got to 3cm but then my labour stopped so I ended up getting the drip to induce labour.

I have to admit it was hard because it brought everything on hard and fast but it was over with quite quickly. You can still move about all you like, no restrictions there.
Thanks PP I just still really want to be as mobile as poss x
Yeah I wasn't still the whole time and it really helped alot. Exciting :-)
Exciting there seems to be alot of us going to drop around the same time I am also being induced this week the 8th hope you can move round x

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Yayyy for your sweep Bidsy, hope that does the trick for you, if not the 12th is really soon tooo!!

Fairy - wow 8th for induction too- yayyyy - near due date buddys you two - so exciting
Oh brill all near together, :) nothing happening so far but had a bit of blood since sweep but dont think he will move. Been quite damp in undies since but surely id know if waters had gone x

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