Survey on feet! *Picture Added*


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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What am I on about?

Well, I have been having reflexology since last Oct to try to help me conceive which as you know I have. I became interested in learning it myself and know that the uterus area is half way between the heel and the ankle bone on the inside of your foot. The week before I found out I was pregnant I noticed this area was slightly puffy so I thought that this was a sign. The area is still puffy now.

Have a look and gently feel this area of your feet girls. Have any of you got a puffy area there? If so, where are you in your cycle? Nosey aren't I? I think it could be a fascinating survey though!


Sus x
does it matter which foot and how swollen, mine is puffed up a little but not sure if that is normal or not.
I shouldn't think it matters which foot.

I don't know if there's anything in this which is why I was asking as I am curious. Hope it's a good sign for you.

Sus x
well i'm in my first month of trying, i'm three days late, but not getting excited as i'm not used to my cycle patterns yet - does feel a bit puffy there though.

Trying not to get too worked up and put pressure on myself so if nothing by the weekend i'll buy a test then and see.
Good luck Lisa-Marie.

Sending Baby Dust to you. :hug:

Sus x
mine goes a bit squashy and goes white when ya press it lol both feet

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