surgical consultant visit tomorrow

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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well shall see if i finally see th right consultant tomorrow to find out the when , hows etc of having surgery , hopefully booking a date (altho thought that last time and looked what happened)

altho , im worried , cos i cant do a ppreggy test yet , hat happens if i book surgery and then find out i got a bfp ! cross that bridge i suppose :think:

not as nervous about tomorrow , prob will be by the appointment tho lol
:hug: (((Gem))) Good luck tomorrow, Ask for a blood test before you get your surgery, the hormone levels will show PG even in the very early stages,I doubt you'll get surgery before the results come back anyway, just to help put you mind at rest. But think positive, and I am glad your not too worried, I hope all goes well for you, :hug: Lv Yvonne xx
Hi G3M,

Good Luck, hope everything goes well and you get your date.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Im back !

well my consultant is loverly , he didnt even mention my weight , and his not putting off further fertillty tests untill cyst is removed , his gonna do them at same time (check my tubes when cyst removed) . his also given dh his pot to do his semem in hehe bout time he had to do something !

still have no date tho , but he said waiting list is about 8 weeks :cheer:

also got to have another progestrone test next cycle ( would u beleive i was 2 days later then when he wants it done ! )

and my testorone is normal :cheer:

so balls properly moving now , jjust await that date to come through my letter box
OOh thats good news!! :hug:

Glad they are gonna do the other tests too at the same time. You should have some anwers or a BFP soon!
Thats great. I'm so pleased things are finally moving for you :dance:
:cheer: :clap: :dance: yeah!!! great news, Might have that BFP before you know it!!!! Yippee :pray: :hug: lv Yvonne xx

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