sure it was you honeyloops we are now in single figures weekswise


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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i rememebr posting 100 days to go and i'm sure it was you that couldn;t wait till we got to single figures in weeks, well we are there 9 weeks to go today.whoopee
I have my scan on weds to see if my placenta has moved up...if it hasn't then I may well be jumping the queue and be having mine in 7 weeks time....eeeeek!!! Can't believe I am 30 weeks today! When I was in tri one I NEVER thought I'd get to this stage -soon we'll be reading everyones labour threads! xx
thats scary! I remember meeting you all 20 odd weeks ago when we were all finding out.... now they're gunna be here in a matter of weeks!
I have my scan on weds to see if my placenta has moved up...if it hasn't then I may well be jumping the queue and be having mine in 7 weeks time....eeeeek!!! Can't believe I am 30 weeks today! When I was in tri one I NEVER thought I'd get to this stage -soon we'll be reading everyones labour threads! xx

wow fingers crossed that your placenta has moved up if not you may be the first april mummy, I find out next week if i am going to be induced early again, if i am it will be only 7 weeks for me too, the race is on lol, even though i want to go over and have baby in easter holidays, but something tells me that not going to happen unless for the first time they going to let me go by myself.
The funny thing is that I have kind of accepted that I will be having an elective c section at 37 weeks and if he tells me I can now have a normal birth I am going to be a bit disappointed!! I know that is terrible but I have always been terrified of labour - can't watch that One Born Every Minute at all and when I heard people in early labour at the hospital I just felt so anxious all the time!! I know c section is by no way the easy option and the recovery is much longer, but I was kind of relieved to not have that worry about the birth - it was all out of my hands! Does that sound wierd???? xxx
Doesn't sound wierd at all, Im starting to get very scared about the birth
hiya mumofmany!!

Yes it was I!!! wwwooooohhoooo :dance: :dance: :dance:

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