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sunday night blues, feel like crying at the thought of a full working week ahead!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Hello my lovelies :) hope you're all good! I just want to have a bit of a moan and feel sorry for myself (which I hate doing as its really ungrateful and it used to piss me off when pregnant women complained when we were TTC! But I know you lot understand) :)

I am just feeling so tired today and my sickness has come back, and the fact that its sunday night has properly depressed me! I work sunday nights 6-11 in a hotel and then mon-fri 9-5 so I have another half an hour before the week starts again... And the thought of another full working week ahead feels like a massive mountain that I don't know how I'm going to climb! We are really busy at my main 9-5 job atm and last week was the week from hell to be honest... I was SO relieved when it got to friday and the prospect of 48hrs off! But now it feels like the weekend has gone in a flash, and now I've got to do it all over again and I just don't know how I'm going to do it!

I think its just a bit worse atm cos work still don't know about my pregnancy and so I'm not getting any allowances made... My bosses just keep piling more stuff on me and I don't feel like I can say no! I know it will be better in a couple of weeks because I will be able to tell them about baba and I'm sure they will ease off a bit, its just getting through the next 2 weeks until then. Big deep breaths, I can do this!

Anyone else feel like they're wading through treacle trying to get through their working day atm? It will make me feel better just to know I'm not alone! Xxx
When are you planning to tell work hun?

I feel like you too. I have a dread for going in to work this week which is not like me at all (probably because last wk was so crap from a work point of view). Although my boss knows about the pregnancy, on a day to day basis its still hard because the people I work with don't know. We'll get through it. x
I don't want to tell them until after my scan carnat, which isn't until 27th march. Part of me thinks I should tell them now really, but I had bleeding at the start of this preg and I really don't want to tell them until I know everything is okay! Its a toughie :-/

Julianne - bless you hun its rubbish isn't it! I know what you mean, its not like me either as I enjoy my job - sounds like both our bad weeks last week has put us off! I just feel a bit teary and stressed whenever I think of monday morning! Hopefully it will go quick for us both and not be as bad as we are thinking :) thanks hun xxx
i also dread going to work now, completely normal xxx
me too as I have worked a couple of short weeks with being on holiday and this week its a full 5 day week. Only thing that is gonna get me through it is the fact that a week tomorrow we will have our 12 week scan and then we are off to edinburgh for the night to see a show but I know Im gonna be a right royal pain in the arse this week

hope your week flies in chick xx
I'm really dreading work for the next month, it's soooo busy and I'm travelling loads which means I have to be away from home at least two nights a week. I've not told work yet, it's way too early. The last twice I told my boss really early but then he kept asking when he could tell other people, which was annoying. Then I miscarried both, he was great and was fine about me taking time off. But I found out he told some people I'd miscarried, people that are not managers and should not have known. So I'm not telling him until I have to this time.

In the meantime, he just keeps sending me places and giving me more work to do. I feel your pain ladies, the Sunday night blues are the worst!
Understand where you're coming from. I've been signed off and it's my first day back tomorrow. Dreading it isn't the word. The week will soon be over again :)
Thanks girls, it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone in a strange way! Like we will all get through it together :D Its difficult to try and carry on as normal isn't it, when you're busy and its stressful and all you really want to shout is 'I'm pregnant and feel like crap, please give me a break!' Time seems to drag so much in Tri 1 too, so a week feels like a month lol. Hopefully this week will go quickly for us all, and it will soon be friday again :D

Kedi - your boss sounds insensitive to say the least, can understand you not wanting to say anything! Hope your trips away go okay hun, I had to travel at 8w for work and was sick on the train, not my finest moment lol, I am praying they don't send me travelling again for a while!

Chin up girlies we will all get through Monday together! Xxx
Kedi - your boss sounds insensitive to say the least, can understand you not wanting to say anything! Hope your trips away go okay hun, I had to travel at 8w for work and was sick on the train, not my finest moment lol, I am praying they don't send me travelling again for a while!

Chin up girlies we will all get through Monday together! Xxx

Thanks hun, he is a really nice guy, just can't keep his mouth shout. I pulled him up on it when I got back and he apologised. I probably wouldn't have minded so much but one of the people he told I don't like very much! haha.

I just got into work now and I'm soooooo tired, might rest my head on the desk until someone else comes in.

Hope your week isn't as bad as you think it will be xxx
Hi ams

I'm with you. Get myself totally worked up about going to work!

I'm hoping once I get my bloom I'll be skipping out the door but for now it's a struggle to stay awake!

L x
Thanks girls :) feel a bit better now monday is halfway over although it still seems like forever until friday haha! Isn't it awful to be wishing your life away... I'm not usually like this, but I think the tiredness is just getting on top of me a bit now. My hubby is off today so he's cooking tea and am really looking forward to a lovely tea and Corrie tonight, which will get me through the rest of the afternoon!

Looby - I'm waiting for this 'bloom' too, I feel like a pensioner haha!

Kedi, hope you haven't actually fell asleep at your desk! Lol.

Come on girlies let's all show the rest of Monday what we're made of! :) haha xxx
haha, glad to hear you're feeling better about Monday now. I'm still awake at my desk but desperate for a quick nap. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mondays over :) 4 days to go till the weekend :) x
Ah I totally get how you feel. My sickness is horrendous and has been the same for more than 3 weeks now. Weekends are bad enough as I feel so sick even when I lie down all day but when it gets to Sunday night the thought of a full week makes me cry! I just wonder how I am going to get through each day and it feels like a constant battle. Anyway sorry i feel like I've been really depressing but I am just feeling quite down at the moment! Really hoping our sickness eases off soon :) xxx
Ahhh hun im sure youll feel alot better after your scan not long too go xxx
haha, glad to hear you're feeling better about Monday now. I'm still awake at my desk but desperate for a quick nap. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i read somewhere that even if you work in a n office you should try and find a couch to have an afternoon nap lol I went out to my car the other lunchtime and tried to sleep but couldny for fear of the car alarm going off but even resting my head and eyes for a bit helped xx
Well, tis Monday night! We made it girls! [pats everyone on the back]
haha, glad to hear you're feeling better about Monday now. I'm still awake at my desk but desperate for a quick nap. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i read somewhere that even if you work in a n office you should try and find a couch to have an afternoon nap lol I went out to my car the other lunchtime and tried to sleep but couldny for fear of the car alarm going off but even resting my head and eyes for a bit helped xx

I'd worry people will walk past my car and see me dribbling.....
Woohoo girls its now tuesday and only 3 hours left of the working day so I am counting that as nearly halfway through the week (I know its not really but its close enough!) Haha :) I hope you're all okay and getting through it. I'm having a surprisingly okay week so far I've actually managed to clear my desk (although it won't stay like that for long as I will get another huge pile of work dumped on me this afternoon).

Kaz - good tip thanks hun, I will try that! I'm really lucky as I live 10 mins away from work so could pop home on my lunch for a 20-min power nap if I got really desperate (think I will end up doing that lots in tri 3!)

Princess - oh bless you hun sounds like you're really suffering! Hope it passes soon. I would say you defo need to take a couple of duvet days off if you're really bad xxx

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