Sugarhigh labour thread updated 24/02 4pm


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hiya, had my first text from Stacey they have started with the first tablet and monitored her and she is now going for a walk to see if that will help gets things going. Will keep you updated

Update One; Sorry couldn't get on to updte you last night thanks to the ladies who posted about last nights text :hug: Texted Stacey this morning she was walking around in agony waiting for Matt and her mum to get there. They have said they aren't going to check her till 4 pm so I told her to set her mum on the warpath lol I will update you as soon as I hear from her

Update Two; Stacey has just text me to say that she is still stuck at only 1cm dilated and is in unbearable pain. I have asked if they are talking c-section but not heard back yet.

Update three; Stacey just text me to say that they have agreed to give her diamorphine at last but have not said what the plan is to get Dylan out. It looks like C-Section but no-one is saying for sure or when
awww hope things progress nicely for ya hun!! We are all thinking about ya xxx
good luck hun i hope things soon get moving for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck hun, you'll be holding LO before you know it!! :cheer: :hug:
i didn't have any txts from stacey over night, did anyone else??

the last one i had was at 8:35pm saying she was in pain and asking to be checked.. and she hadn't had any pain relief yet..

praying wee mans here :pray: xxx
I text her this morning apparently they gave her some sleeping pills for last night and this morning have given her, her second tablet to induce her and will only do it 3 times before taking her for a section so its looking likely Dylan will be born today.
Sounds like she's having a rough time, hope things look up soon. Is she having regular contractions or just generally in pain? Have they put her on syntocin drip? Poor thing :hug:
Poor Stacey, here's hoping things start progressing for her soon :hug:
She texts me to say she wasn't dilating stuck at 1cm and its looking likely to be a c section tomorrow morning to get the little bugger out, bloody boys ha ha

Come on Dylan you know you want to come out and meet your mum she's waiting patiently for you.

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