sudden increase... TMI!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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hiya everyone hope you and ur bumps are all ok. its really weird ive had no increase or change in my discharge through whole pregnancy which i thought might be a bit odd cos everyone seemed to be unhappy that they had loads of discharge so guess im pretty lucky :D but since yesterday ive noticed LOADS of discharge!! its not blood tinged or jelly like, its just like normal but ALOT. whats do u think?? thanks girlies xx
i had it alot more in my last pregnancy especially near the end, i think its just your body getting ready for the changes x
Sounds normal. Pantyliners will now become your everyday essentials :)
r4yep i've had loads since a few days ago. ive had it on and off throughout pregnancy, but recently it's a lot more
thanks for your replies. its strange cos it just happens once or twice aday i get a big load of it then hardly anything til the next day when it happens again, bizarre!! xx
Could be because your near the end and its one of your body's ways of preparing for labour
lauranjamesnbaby said:
Could be because your near the end and its one of your body's ways of preparing for labour
i really hope so!! im happy to be pregnant a while longer but would be lovely if it was a sign!!
Sheena I am exactly the same. I noticed this for the past 3 days and just like you describe it. I was hoping it was one of the first signs of labour!! Lets hope so :)
Neev said:
Sheena I am exactly the same. I noticed this for the past 3 days and just like you describe it. I was hoping it was one of the first signs of labour!! Lets hope so :)
i will keep my fingers crossed for both of us! keep me updated if anything else happens with you xx

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