Do any af you feel like people avoid you because all you do is complain about your pregnancy? I know that my dh ignores
about 75% of what I am saying anymore. I think it would be fun to start a thread of all our bitches that no one cares about except us.
Here goes my list.
* I am sick of being fat.
* My complexion has gone to crap.
* I pee my pants every time I cough or sneeze( and of coarse I have a cold.)
* I miss wine so much! What I would give for a glass of wine, or maybe even two glasses.
* I can't sleep.
*When I do fall asleep I have horrible heartburn and wake right back up.
* Acid reflux that makes me puke.
* I have strech marks everywhere! Even places I didn't know you could get strech marks.
* And I am still waiting for my glow. I want to know why the heck the glow fairy skipped over me cause I certainly don't have a beautful glow about me.
* I can't stand to be around people
. I would really like to be nice again.
* My Dh knows better then to even mention sex. It is a nice thing to talk about in the past tense, but I can't imagin wanting it any time soon. Isn't that so sad.
Here are a few of my complaints. I've got lots more but don't want you all to think I'm that big of a whiner!
Hope you have fun getting every thing off your chests. I'm looking forward to reading them.
There was a thread kind of like this on another site and it was so great. Nobody held back, they just griped about every single last crappy part of pregnancy and it is one of the most popular threads right now. I guess misery loves company

Here goes my list.
* I am sick of being fat.
* My complexion has gone to crap.
* I pee my pants every time I cough or sneeze( and of coarse I have a cold.)
* I miss wine so much! What I would give for a glass of wine, or maybe even two glasses.

* I can't sleep.
*When I do fall asleep I have horrible heartburn and wake right back up.
* Acid reflux that makes me puke.

* I have strech marks everywhere! Even places I didn't know you could get strech marks.
* And I am still waiting for my glow. I want to know why the heck the glow fairy skipped over me cause I certainly don't have a beautful glow about me.
* I can't stand to be around people

* My Dh knows better then to even mention sex. It is a nice thing to talk about in the past tense, but I can't imagin wanting it any time soon. Isn't that so sad.

Here are a few of my complaints. I've got lots more but don't want you all to think I'm that big of a whiner!

There was a thread kind of like this on another site and it was so great. Nobody held back, they just griped about every single last crappy part of pregnancy and it is one of the most popular threads right now. I guess misery loves company
