today i have really noticed


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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how big my bump is, every time i'm making a cuppa, making tea ect i bounce my bump against the kitchen surface lol or when i'm moving about i look down and wow there is a big bump there oh and i can rest my cup of tea on it now (wish holding the handle just incase lol) :lol: it's really enlarging lol oh ye and i found a STRECH MARK!!!! lol it's a big mean one too :oops: i know i'm bound to get them as when i had james you could read the london underground on my belly lol but still STRECH MARKS!!!!
oh btw sorry i haven't been about much it's just xmas has really taken it out of me and i'm soooo POOPED :?
Aw Anna that's lovely hun :hug: I am amazed by my bump too it seems to be growing a little everyday now :lol:

Oh I was reading my reply a second time and realised I had typed bum and forgot the 'p'... well my bum is growing a little everyday too :rotfl:
Wahey heres to big bumps Anna! My bump seems to have suddenly 'sprouted' over the last few days! :lol:
Jaidy said:
Wahey heres to big bumps Anna! My bump seems to have suddenly 'sprouted' over the last few days! :lol:
that's round about when my bump started to get big :D
Haha i agree too, i didnt notice i was that big until christmas day when all the family commented and asked for a feel, starting to feel like a circus show now though

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