stupidly terrified


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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i know im only new here but i really need some advice/reassurance im not going mad.

im about 11 weeks, and im terrified of something going wrong and loosing the baby, i have no reason to be apparently, its my first baby and i've never had a miscarriage and theres no history in my family (dont know if thats relevant)

i had my 1st midwifes appointment at 9 weeks, and she managed to find heartbeat (she was surprised so early) i had a little bit of bleeding but she said it was nothing to worry about

thing is i've dreamed twice that i lost the baby, to the point where i woke up in tears. my best mate thinks im being silly and even my doctor didnt seem to understand, i just feel im being completely irrational :cry:
Your just about 12 wks so the risks decreased, you havent had a previouse miscarriage, most women worry throughout their pregnancy's, you just need to try and enjoy it.
Hi and welcome to the forum! :wave:
Its perfectly normal to feel that way, I felt very scared for the first 12 weeks up until I had my first scan and like you I had no reason to be as I've never had a m/c and everything was normal. Concentrate on the fact that you've heard the heartbeat, that is something to feel really positive about because if something was wrong then you wouldn't have heard it, you were lucky to hear it so soon! I didn't hear my babys until I was around 15 weeks. Also you should be having a scan soon so that will definatly put your mind at ease. Your pretty much past the crucial stage now so as hard as it is, don't worry!!
Welcome to the forum hun :wave:

its only natural to worry darling, its an instinct in all of us mummies and daddies to be, try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy cause worrying is not going to help!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
It is natural to worry pet, hopefully you will a bit better in a few weeks after your scan :hug:
its natural to worry hun please try not to much as you can i know easier said than done, but like the girls say once your past 12 weeks the risks are really reduced,

once you have your scan and you see bubba moving around your wonder what all the worrying was for, sending big hugs :hug: :hug:
hi hun of course ur going to be worried and if im honest these feelings most likely will never go away till u have ur LO in ur arms keeping u up all night, :rotfl: try not to worry hun, everything will be fine :hug:
Distraction, distraction, distraction. Just keep very, very busy. I had a miscarriage last year and my last baby was delivered 9 weeks early so I doubt I will relax at all during this pregnancy but the absolute only way to remain sane is to be busy. Don't let a week slip by without making a plan so you have something to look forward to or be planning or doing. If you were just sailing along without worries I wouldn't advise this but you obviously are driving yourself mad so you are going to have to find something else to occupy that grey matter. The nightmares are just your daily concerns coming into your sleep. When my little Austin was born and was in hospital weighing less than 3Ibs and I was going to sleep worried if he would be alive in the morning I used to picture him in a warm amber healing glow of light. You coud do this. Picture yourself and your little tiny bean surrounded in a warm glow of positive light. It will help sooth you to sleep and keep you centred. I really do believe in the power of the mind.

I hope you find a way through. You only have a few more weeks to go before you are out of first tri.

Becs x x x
thanks Becs! that thinking of a positive light has really helped me get to sleep which i've been finding took nearly an hour!!

12 week scan confirmed everything is just fine, and now the discharge i had has stopped as has the tiny bit of bleeding! typical lol
Hi hun....if its any reassurance im feeling exactly the same! Its very early days for me! I think its totally natural for us all to worry in the first few weeks, then hopefully when we get to 12 weeks we can relax, a little Lol!

Take care and like others have said try and keep busy, this is how im planning to get through the first trimester :pray: :pray: :pray:
Arhh Bless :hug: :hug:

Well all i can say is i was exactly the same, worry worry worry! it's totally natural... im sure you will feel at ease when you've had ur scan.
I remember my mum saying 'you worry about the little mite from the minute you find out your pregnant and you never stop!! :) She was definatly right my little girls 2 now and im still a worry wart!

Emma x

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