stupid question.. i think


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2010
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because Layla is bottle fed now and i didnt really do much research on it b4 she arrived as i was planning to bfeed, ive got a really daft question....

how many burps per feed should she be doing?

im trying to stop her every oz to get a burp out of her, but is this enough, shoul i be stopping more or less and trying for more than 1 burp?

shes not been sick after her milk yet so thats good, but i feel really daft not knowing how long i need to be burping her for,

thank u :oooo:

i used to stop about 1/2 way thru for burps! how many oz is she having? and the burps depend on the baby really and how they're feeling at the time! sometimes they'll do one big massive one and others it'll be little ones! has anyone told you about the top lip thing? dont want to sound condescending if you do know, but i didnt til someone told me! their top lip goes white when they;ve got wind, so if you notice its looking a bit pale, give her back a little tap!
ooh nope to be honest, when i told the midwife i hadnt got any milk in and had decided i felt it was better for her to be content with a formula than crying constantly on my boob, she just said ok, and that was it, no helpful tips or anything, so im kinda trying to just grasp things as i go along! lol

shes having 4oz every 4 hours, she has been doing a big burp after i stop, which im trying to guess at 1oz but she can guzzle so quickly sometimes shes drunk 1/2 a bottle before ive got the chance!!

thanks for the lip tip, il keep an eye out!

I stop half way through, or when he indicates he needs to burp x x
at start i winded half way thru! but after bout a month i used to just let her stop .... she was easy enough to feed so it worked for us! :) xx
yea they do tend to let you know after a while dont they! babies are so amazing :cloud9:
lol if u did get pg now least K would hopf b or b near outta nappies!?!? :D xx
i used to stop about 1/2 way thru for burps! how many oz is she having? and the burps depend on the baby really and how they're feeling at the time! sometimes they'll do one big massive one and others it'll be little ones! has anyone told you about the top lip thing? dont want to sound condescending if you do know, but i didnt til someone told me! their top lip goes white when they;ve got wind, so if you notice its looking a bit pale, give her back a little tap!

Well, I never knew that!

I always go by what Drake feels, at the beginning though I used to stop at every oz.
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lisa, its not happening!!!!

and yea, its really useful to know! especially when they're wriggling about and moaning and you're not too sure whats wrong with them!

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