Stupid mother!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Just havin a general chat about labour with my mum as I'm sat on my birthing ball and she's put a stupid thought in my head which has worried me! She probably thought nothing of it but now I can't stop thinking about it. We were talking about me going 2 weeks over and she says "I'm going to have a word with ur midwife if she leaves u that long, my brother lost his baby cos they left him too long" to which I replied that the midwives know best and they won't do anything to put me and the baby at risk but it's stuck in my head now that I'm scared of going overdue! She'd feel awful if she knew she'd made me worry xxx
Oh thats a great thing to say! Some people don't think do that. My MIL keeps on about how nothings certain because her sister lost a baby on her due date, we know its possible but they must realize it makes you worry! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
I know! As if we're not worried enough about birth they have to throw horror stories like that in there!!xxx
Yeah this is literally my biggest fear at the minute xxx
Just adds to the worries doesn't it! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
They just don't think before they speak. They won't let you go two weeks over anyway, induction is normally booked for when you're just over 41 weeks hun x x
Honestly, some people just do not think before they open their mouths :mad:
Please try not to pay too much attention, we all know these things are possible but they are not likely, there is a difference.
And you were right the in the first place, the MW's know what they are doing ad would never do anything that would place you or your LO in any danger, you are in safe hands :)
Thanks girls! Just needed to vent, I don't have the energy to bring it up with her ha ha. Thank u all for reassuring me xxx
Agh... Every mothers nightmare... But I agree with the other girls, the midwives know what there doing... And if you ever don't feel comfortable with there decision I'd go straight to maternity unit and see what they say... I think I'm going to be a nightmare if I'm overdue x
Sometimes our mum's just dont think.

Last time I had my pram delivered and was so excited and happy, until my mum decided to tell me it was bad luck and a horrible story all because a girl had the pram in the house! I mean for gods sake woman, some things just shouldnt be said!! Sorry :blush:

Anyhoo, the MW know what they are doing and you or your LO wont be put at risk if you go over. And as someone else has said if your ever not happy go and get yourself checked out at the mat unit. x
my mum only tells me horror stories :mad: and she still wont buy a lot of pink because they could have got it wrong but i have 5 scans since finding out it was a pink bundle and everytime they say girl but they just cant say 100% and she is starting to do my head in i know nothing is 100% but can she not just let me be happy, nobody else tells me horror stories apart from bad labours but i expect that, they just say all the good things like holding baby for first time and all the pain being worth it and they would all do it again so thats what im focusing on not my mum
Thats what mums seem to be for!!
The MW won't let you go that long, they have your best interests at heart x
the longest i was told i had to go if i went over was 12 days that was including 2 sweeps and then i would be induced if they didnt work.
people love tellin horror stories they think they have a right to just listen to what you want xxx

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