Stupid men!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Georgia just filled her nappy for second time since going to bed, so told DH I thought he should do it, as it's not like he does the ones through the night.

And he decided to have a moan about, how come I can cope perfectly well during the day when he's at work, yet when he comes in I ask him to do silly little things, like fetch a cloth if shes sick.

:shock: how stupid am I to expect him to make my evenings a little bit easier, when I'm on my own all day,

Just wanna cry now, xxx
Oh yeah, and apparently it was terribly unfair of me to go to a dance class on Monday that I've not been to since she arrived, and leave him to look after her. After all Monday is usually his night out (but not in school holidays!)

Guess that means Thursday night is out the window! :(
What an ass!!!

Remember that if he ever asks you to cook for him! Tell him he is perfectly capable to do it on his own!

Men are stupid at times!
They just don't understand that in the evenings little things like being passed a cloth mean a lot when you have been at home all day.

Go out for a whole day and see how he copes!!
OMG do men think we are wonder woman??
That is really selfish. My OH is great and I can't complain.
But if he said somthing like that I wouldn't clean or cook for him and concentrate on baby and baby only.
After all before LO came along we worked all day and came home to do the cooking and cleaning. So let him do it.
Hope you feel better soon hun.. Xxx
Men!!!!! What an a-hole!

Just remind him that she's both of yours so you asking him for help with "silly things" isn't him doing you a favour!

Go to dance maybe he will start to appreciate exactly what you do do when he has to do it himself more often!
Normally he's pretty good, and I know he works really hard, so I try not to expect too much, particularly during the week. Didnt think changing a couple of nappies was THAT big a deal!! Xxx

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