Stupid Cow!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Yesterday I went into town. A lot of people (strangers) made nice comments about Dan, although sometimes I find it a bit intrusive. This however made me mad...

Some stupid cow with her mate turned around to look at him in his pushchair, fag in hand which almost wavered near him. I just turned the pushchair away and completely blanked her! I had to stop myself from having a go at her, but honestly, was she really that bloody thick!

Oh and some other girl who was pregnant started staring in my direction and parading herself in front of me while I was standing in a queue...why do that! I never used to put myself on show when I was pregnant. I guess she was just an attention seeker!

Rant over!
People like that annoy me so much :x

If I have a problem with somebody I'll say it. Last night we were sitting in the chinese waiting for our order and this girl came in, sat down about an inch from me and blatantly stared right at my face so I waited a few minutes and she was still doing it.

I looked at her and said 'What are you looking at?' and gave her my best dirty look and everyone in the shop gasped as though I was gonna hit her :rotfl: She did stop looking though 8)

If someone had a cigarette near my baby I would take it out of their hand and stamp on it :lol:
x-kirsty-x said:
If someone had a cigarette near my baby I would take it out of their hand and stamp on it :lol:

Stamp on her hand then she can't hold a cigarette anymore!

Its one thing I can't stand is pregnant women/new mums smoking. It makes me wonder!

poeple do piss me off at times . it takes alot not to say anything ot them too!!
Im the same as kirsty and emma - me have a short fuse!

I would have gone ballistic if someone had held a fag near my child - newborn or not!
I have a really short fuse too, sometimes my daughter says..mum! please dont, lol but i cat help it, some people are so ignorant its unreal!
OMG the smoker would have really p***ed me off as well. do some people have no sense :roll:
I try so hard to be polite and diplomatic..but there does come a point when you have to turn round and say...something not very nice :lol:

I hate hate hate seeing mothers smoking all over their newborns. I saw this girl the other day when I was waiting for the bus, she was pushing a pram with a tiny little baby girl in it, and she was smoking, but the worst thing was, she was just resting the hand with the fag in it on the pram handle-so it was all just blowing in the babies face :(

I mean honestly, ok, some people can't give up smoking or whatever, but I doubt they'd be blowing it all over their baby!
the other day i nearly freaked at some skool kids (15 -16 yrs)
bray was asleep in his buggy and they were pushing his buggy out of the way and not gently either and i was way stressed
why cant people just think before acting is it that hard ?
I think that some parts of society have lost social skills! :roll:
I think some people need a good kick up the arse. I will so br bringing my kids up respectully and not to be like some of the lttle shits that frequent society today.
mrs_tommo22 said:
I think some people need a good kick up the arse. I will so br bringing my kids up respectully and not to be like some of the lttle sh*ts that frequent society today.

That's what i said to my dad's friend today, pretty much.
He said he'd write it down and remind me of what I said in 15 years time :rotfl:
Zeb - check your ticker hun - it says 6 months? shes older then immy whos nearly 8 months 2 weeks lol.

I hope my kids grow up properly, there will be trouble if i hear stories about them pushing people out of the way and smoking etc :twisted:

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