Stupid BH question


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Right, I am so going to regret posting this!

Since Friday night I have been having regular contractions, lasting about a minute and some of them quite painful and debilitating. They come in 'waves' so I'll have a few an hour for a bit and then nothing for hours. It's almost like stop-start.

In addition to this, my discharge has become very 'loose' (but not watery or jelly-like and no blood) and is rushing out of me like it used to do at ovulation time. Ming.

Also on the same day these contractions started my ruings just suddenly wouldn't fit on my fingers any more, no warning nothing.

I'm pretty sure this is not the real deal (been three days now!) - rang the MW on Sunday and they wanted me to go to hospital but I really don't see the point when things are mostly fine and I haven't had a show / waters breaking.

What I want to ask is... have any of you had this weeks before you gave birth?

Please don't tell me to go to hospital I SO am not giving birth before 37 weeks.
I've been feeling like this for over a week now and I am still sat here :roll:

I have been so sure labour is imminent for ages now and nothing has happened I don't think I will believe it when it does.

I think it is basically just your body gearing up for the big event and getting itself ready.
I agree sounds like normal late preg changes, my cm suddenly changed.. i thought my waters had broken but it wasn't... just loads of the stuff..
keep an eye and if it feels pretty manageable then don't worry...thats my philosophy...i think when in proper labour - as the old cliche goes - we'll know! :hug:
Not sure hun :think: The contractions could be BH's as they can apparantly be painful.
If the midwife has suggested you go to hospital to be checked over I would go. If Connie's gonna come out now she would if you were in hospital or not.
I'd say it's more likely your bodies just practising though :hug: :hug:
Hi Debbecca,

I've had loads of ming discharge like what you described for about a week now.

I havent had ANY braxton hicks whatsoever. but my feet have swelled up (they look like my grannies!) and I had to take my wedding ring off weeks ago.

If I were you i'd get checked at the hospital just to be sure.

Good luck xx
I was wondering when you were going to post this :D

I would speak to your midwife today and see what she says. :think:
I haven't had the change in CM, but I have definately been having the intense hicks on and off since Friday. I have had 4 this morning! I think it is my body practising as I have no other symptoms (apart from dull period feeling now and again).
:rotfl: can't believe you're still having them!

i would get checked to be on the safe side becca, connie may want an early exit :hug:

Thanks everyone :hug:

Had a middy appointment today and she said (get this it SO does not bode well) that I am extremely sensitive to touch in my bump area, which is to be expected as Connie is big and I am tiny and don't have much room in there - so BH are likely to be more painful for me than most.

OH MY GOD I'm going to DIE in labour :shock:
You will be fine in labour (you have no choice in the matter) :D

Glad Connie is growing nicely though i bet shes not as big as you think im guessing around 7.5lbs
:rotfl: So am I - I'm such a wimp!!! We'll be begging for an epidural no matter what we write in our birth plans!!! :D

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