Struggling with Tri 1


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2014
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Hi everyone I am 6+3 today and I am really struggling. I am the most exhausted I have ever been, I am uncomfortably bloated, crying at drop of a hat, and this morning for the first time I vomited! I am not coping at all. I loved being pregnant on DD but I really don't like it on this one! Please tell me I'm not alone! This baby is really wanted and I feel guilty for feeling this way.
I feel exactly the same I'm 9+2 today and for the past 5 days I've been horrendous with sickness, constipation, sleeping for 10 hours a day and crying daily too. I'm jealous of these women who have 'easy' pregnancies xx
iam 10 +5 and today i feel ok ish but usually ihave a pounding headache and feel sick am either retching or trying not to as it makes my head feel worse!! I have found this so much harder than with my daughter! its hard to forget the happiness we felt when we found out we were pregnant!! its so horrible feeling like this but we will get a beautiful baby at the end of this! X
I have come to the conclusion with this my second pregnancy that I just hate being pregnant! I am so thrilled when theyre born and I have a gorgeous baby and suddenly its all worth it... but with 20 weeks of being sick 7 + times a day I just want it over! Bring on may!! X
Oh my 7 times a day? I was sick 3 times yesterday and once so far today but all I seem to do is gag! I just don't like feeling like this. I cannot wait until I have my baby in my arms. But right at this very moment this will be our 2nd and last baby. I always wanted at least 4. But I don't know if I can cope with doing it all over again. It's so much harder when you already have children because they don't understand you are tired and sick all the time :(
I'm not looking forward to this weekend, I've been taking my left over anti sickness meds from last time to help me stay in work so thankfully I've only been sick 3 times so far, but have had the constant nausea still which is hard to deal with. I've run out of meds so expecting this weekend to go from ok to really bad before I can get more tablets on Monday, really hope they give them to me xx
I had hypermesis until18 weeks
I was hospitalised at 10w week severe dehydration and ++++ketones
Even my blood was like syrup
It was miserable
But like the flick of a switch one day i was fine again and you somehow do just forget quite how bad you felt
God knows how id have coped with another kid though. I don't think i could've managed
Its enough to put me off having another though x
Love I could have written that post myself! I will not be having any more as its just too horrible and my other is 8 months and doesn't comprehend mummys not feeling well!
I must have been crazy cos I remember in the mist of it all last year I was still adamant I wanted a third and do it again. I must admit it is starting to get really hard as I can't do anything with my boys, but it is better is some ways as they have each other to occupy, but does mean more fights that I just don't have the energy to sort out. This is the last time I will be doing this as hubby is set on only having 3, I understand the practicalities but don't know if I would have that broody feeling for a 4th still. xx
Oh I'm with you!! I remember, now I'm here, how much I hate early pregnancy. After about 12 weeks, for me, it all got better and then I loved it so I'm holding on for that. It just grinds you down when you're feeling sick, and tired ALL the time :-( big hugs xxx
Thanks for all your replies girls! I'm just so miserable at the moment. Went to tescos earlier with my mum and I could not wait to get home the nausea was horrible and I had visions of myself vomiting in front of everyone. Luckily I made it home without vomiting. Did any of you try the sea sickness acupressure bands? Are they any good? Was thinking of buying one
Mine didn't work, but they may for you! I was sick in someones drive last time :( x

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