Struggling with tiredness


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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Late pregnancy really is very kind on me, but the tiredness is starting to overwhelm me. I'm due to pop anytime (9 days until due date) and struggling to be a good mummy to my toddler. He's so so great but the little man is so very demanding and talks all the time! There is no switch off! All I want to do is go back to bed and have a nice long snooze until baby arrives :lol:

I feel so bad when each time he says 'mummmmmmy' that I groan, and he does say it a lot! Thing is, I know it's not going to get any easier when baby arrives, it'll undoubtably get worse with sleep deprivation and looking after a newborn. Sob sobbbbbbbb.
Rooster go easy on yourself you're heavily pregnant which is hard enough on it's on without a chatterbox 2 year old lol. I have a 6 year old and although he talks for England I suppose the bigger age gap is working out for me right now as there's a lot he can do for himself, doesn't stop me feeling guilty when he wants to play and I just can't manage it though!

Anyway, my point is, make life easier! This is short term in the grand scheme of things so put his favourite film on, let him play a game on the computer or something whilst you rest. A couple of hours (or days) worth of TV never hurt anyone I've also found softplay a to be a godsend, I can chill with a cuppa and little one runs wild burning all his energy off. Give in I whatever he wants for now you can get your routine back once baby has settled in x
Feeling your pain rooster
My two year old is none stop he can not sit still for 5 mins
I am tired already and still have 10 weeks till due date

Try to give yourself a break like Jessiecat said things and routine can get back on track when baby comes

Hugs hope you get a rest x
Thank you :-) You've cheered me up somewhat. Taking the little fella to the doctors later as he's poorly at the moment (again!), it's always a stressful job as he never opens his mouth for the doctor, and it's always his throat that plays up.
Aww hope he is ok hun
I'm at midwife at 3:20 for bloods etc got to take lo with me
Then back at the doctors at 5 with him with suspected chicken pox

There never seems to be a break for either of us

Take care hun x
Oh it's fun this mummy lark! I hope yours is okay too :-) Good luck :-)
We have a park here that's in a massive grassy area, then a fenced off kiddie-play at one end (swings, slide, all that jazz), and just two gates, both on one side, so I know I can let DS run and shout to his hearts content, and I can just sit on the bench with an eye on the gates and let him burn energy.

Do you have anywhere like that?

It's still being aware and keeping watch, but at least you can just sit back and chill...?

Or as PP said... Soft play can be a godsend.

Try not to be too hard on yourself hon, things will settle down xx
Yeah... my son won't go off and play on his own - not at softplay or the park so ends up being more tiring than at home where he is more open to playing by himself. He likes to involve me or whoever in everything. I'm trying to encourage more solo play as obviously, I can't play with a newborn. Though, as i said, he's getting better at home, but at a soft play and park he'll want company as he's quite shy.
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I've found my LO hard work this last week. I've replied to you on the terrible two's thread as well. He's been ill, I've been ill and this last week has just felt like such a hard slog!

Thankfully my son is happy to run off on his own at the park etc so I just took him to a different park every day. Thankfully we have a few in walking/driving distance. The telly has been on more than usual and I've just tried to rotate toys as much as possible.

I'm being a mean mummy and sending him to the childminders for a few days this week so I can get some rest.
Oh no, I hope you both feel better soon. My son has detriorated since going to the doctor. He was a happy lad when we went (typical), but they just don't get that I have been through this numerous times and want to nip things in the bud rather than wait for him to get worse. Ugh.

I wish I had more energy to help him more :-( Luckily he has a fantastically patient daddy.
Oh no, I hope you both feel better soon. My son has detriorated since going to the doctor. He was a happy lad when we went (typical), but they just don't get that I have been through this numerous times and want to nip things in the bud rather than wait for him to get worse. Ugh.

I wish I had more energy to help him more :-( Luckily he has a fantastically patient daddy.

My son is the same, every time he gets a cold it goes straight to his chest. Thankfully one of the doctors is sympathetic about the situation. They think he may develop asthma which is not a surprise given how bad my OH has it. So he's usually given steroids to help his chest.
We always get the calpol/ibuprofen line, then the next day or a few hours later he just goes right down the pan - gets temperature/lethargic/doesn't eat - it usually ends up in throat/ear infection which I said today, again - but again, I got the calpol line. It's frustrating as it's extra time without stuff that could genuinely help him and he has to get so bad first :-(

I self-referred him to a paediatrician which is booked in for next month. His breathing sounds off at the moment and he's currently struggling to settle to sleep due to a cough. I really don't want to be whisking him off to out-of-hours tonight but will have to if he can't settle I guess :-(
We always get the calpol/ibuprofen line, then the next day or a few hours later he just goes right down the pan - gets temperature/lethargic/doesn't eat - it usually ends up in throat/ear infection which I said today, again - but again, I got the calpol line. It's frustrating as it's extra time without stuff that could genuinely help him and he has to get so bad first :-(

I self-referred him to a paediatrician which is booked in for next month. His breathing sounds off at the moment and he's currently struggling to settle to sleep due to a cough. I really don't want to be whisking him off to out-of-hours tonight but will have to if he can't settle I guess :-(

It's rubbish that the doctors can't look at how he's been previously and make decisions based on that. Hopefully with seeing the paediatrician you can get some answers. It's horrible when they're poorly and there's not much you can do for them.
Anddd, he's been admitted to hospital this morning and staying in at least until tomorrow afternoon. So awful. This baby better stay in.

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