Late pregnancy really is very kind on me, but the tiredness is starting to overwhelm me. I'm due to pop anytime (9 days until due date) and struggling to be a good mummy to my toddler. He's so so great but the little man is so very demanding and talks all the time! There is no switch off! All I want to do is go back to bed and have a nice long snooze until baby arrives 
I feel so bad when each time he says 'mummmmmmy' that I groan, and he does say it a lot! Thing is, I know it's not going to get any easier when baby arrives, it'll undoubtably get worse with sleep deprivation and looking after a newborn. Sob sobbbbbbbb.

I feel so bad when each time he says 'mummmmmmy' that I groan, and he does say it a lot! Thing is, I know it's not going to get any easier when baby arrives, it'll undoubtably get worse with sleep deprivation and looking after a newborn. Sob sobbbbbbbb.