struggling with 2nd miscarriage...


Feb 14, 2014
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We found out Sunday morning I was pregnant as my period was 2 days late (very unusual for me)

On Sunday evening I started bleeding and I still am now. Doctor confirmed a chemical pregnancy/miscarriage.

I also had a miscarriage in March at 7 weeks pregnant.

I'm really struggling this time round as I think it has set in what's happened. I guess after the first time everyone said it was probably a one off but now it's happened again I can't help but think it's something I'm doing or there is something wrong.

I do already have a daughter, she is 19 months old and she was a surprise pregnancy with no problems at all. I am so grateful I have her and my fiancé, I love them to pieces but I still feel like a piece of me is missing.

I feel down and depressed and just keep wanting to cry. I just long to be pregnant again and have another baby.

I feel guilty for feeling like this as I have a good life, my daughter is amazing and I'm so proud of her but I know my life isn't complete without at least one more child.

I'm clinging onto the fact that 3 in a row is unlikely… I need a sticky one next :(
Im really sorry you have had to go through this again. Let yourself grieve and spend quality time with your wee one and your oh. It will get easier in time but you have every right to ne upset. Take care! Xxxx
sorry to hear what's happened :( i've had two consecutive this year, too and feel exactly the same way as you. i keep telling myself that the odds of it happening again are extremely low. lots of love to you, look after yourself xx
I'm sorry to be reading this. Maybe your body was protecting you from an unhealthy wee one? I am suffering our first loss today - not yet started to bleed which I feel is the hardest part because I know the baby has passed but is still in there.

I am really sorry you have had to go through a 2nd loss. I have had 2 MMC's at 11weeks and 10weeks. It is very tough but I have found time is a great healer. Also I try and trust that Mother Nature knows best and that if the little baby bean didn't make it perhaps there was something wrong. Did you get your blood checked for an Underactive Thyroid or Blood Clotting Issue as sometimes things can change after you have had your first baby. FX you'll get your sticky healthy baby bean very soon x
So sorry for your loss, I know how difficult it is. I just want to give you some hope as there are so many ladies on here who have had successful pregnancies after multiple losses. I had two MMCs before having my little boy which makes him all the more precious. Take care xx

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