Struggling off Anti Depressants help please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Ive been on anti depressants on and off for 10 years, due to panic attacks/anxiety. It is not caused by anything to do with my situation, its just down to a hormone imbalance within my brain. Im not ashamed of it, and I cope with it perfectly when im on tablets; you would never know I had a problem.

Im my last pregnancy with my son, I came off my tablets and managed to survive the pregnancy but it was hard, I was extremely scared of childbirth, didnt work at the end of my pregnancy and became a bit of a recluse, but got through it.

I have done the same this time, but however, I now I have Zachary and he is my world and I cannot afford to struggle, or become a hermit this time as I have him to look after and he is my main priority. With this pregnancy ive had an awful time with sickness (and its getting worse not better) and I also have a sickness phobia along with the panic and anxiety, and since ive come off the anti-depressants its all come back with a bang. Im not going out with out family, panicking over silly things and generally feeling awful. I still have 5 months or so to go through this pregnancy and I dont think I can do it.

Ive been back to my doctors and she has referred me to a consultant to review my tablets, and whether or not it will be more of a risk to me, or to me baby if I went back on them and vice versa. My doctor did say that certain anti depressants dont so much harm the baby as im cause a deformity for example, but they can have problems when they are born, such as they can cry alot or have the jitters as they need to come off the meds.

I cant bear to think of my baby being put at risk, but then I also have to think about myself and my son, who is here now, and who I love so dearly.

Please help if you can guys, I feel well and truly at rock bottom at the moment. :(
Oh Jaidy I diddn't know none of that, I have no idea what your going through but diddn't want to run off, hope you get it sorted soon :hug: good luck, stay strong :hug:
Aww hun u must be having such a tough time :( Pregnancy is hard enough to deal with on its own.

I think that you need to talk your concerns over with the consultant and as you said work out which would cause more harm.

Aww huni :hug: cant imagine what your dealing with xxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: sounds like you are having a rough time. You will have to see what the consultant suggests hon, I really hope you feel better soon
hi jaidy

sorry to hear your feeling so rubbish at the mo but like you i have been on anti-depressents, not for as long as you, i had postnatal depression after my second son. i stopped taking them when i got pregnant this time but my dr said that if i start to find it hard or i think i need to go back on them then i can, there are anti-depressents designed for pregnant women so id go and see your consultant and ask about what options you have.

hope things start to feel better for you soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww hun i have no advice but i juste wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope they manage to sort something out for you
hi hun,

I just wanted to show you some :hug: and support...

I had post natal depression after my 1st and was on anti-depressants for about a year i came off them over a 6 month period before my BFP. Anyway, I know how it can sweap over you and make everything feel like its up hill, but you are doing the right thing and telling people including your doctor. There are pills that are ok for during pregnancy, my friend went on them as she was struggling when pregnant with baby no 2, and she found they helped alot and has since had a gorgeous baby boy who was fine when born.

You are doing the right thing by considering all the options and i hope that the consultant is helpful...I dont know if it is something you would consider looking at but there are courses (with creches usually) that are for people coping with depression (i went on one for PND and it really helped me). :hug: just a thought anyway xxx

tigger :hug: :hug:
Hi Jaidy,

I'm currently on 150 mgs Lofepramine a day. Like you I've had problems for around ten years, although the cause is more to with history/outside influences. When we were first trying to conceive my GP did a lot of research before choosing the right drug for my problems that would have the least effects on a pregnancy. At first I was on a much higher dose, but it was reduced two years later when we got our positive pregnancy test.

We've been assessed by a consultant at the maternity unit who has checked all my medical history. Both the consultant and the GP felt it was better for both me and the baby to stay on the reduced dose rather than stop medication completely. Notes will be passed on to the birthing team when the time comes, but I was advised this was just a minor precaution as there was unlikely to be any problems. They were satisfied that the lower dose was okay.

I'll be honest I do struggle now and then. I had a bit of a panic attack last night and couldn't breath and I spent most of this morning just crying my eyes out. But then again we've had an electrician in doing major work and the house is a tip and I just felt like I had no "safe place" to hide from it all. All better now :)

Good luck, I hope you find a solution that works for you.
Potbelijo said:
Hi Jaidy,

I'm currently on 150 mgs Lofepramine a day. Like you I've had problems for around ten years, although the cause is more to with history/outside influences. When we were first trying to conceive my GP did a lot of research before choosing the right drug for my problems that would have the least effects on a pregnancy. At first I was on a much higher dose, but it was reduced two years later when we got our positive pregnancy test.

We've been assessed by a consultant at the maternity unit who has checked all my medical history. Both the consultant and the GP felt it was better for both me and the baby to stay on the reduced dose rather than stop medication completely. Notes will be passed on to the birthing team when the time comes, but I was advised this was just a minor precaution as there was unlikely to be any problems. They were satisfied that the lower dose was okay.

I'll be honest I do struggle now and then. I had a bit of a panic attack last night and couldn't breath and I spent most of this morning just crying my eyes out. But then again we've had an electrician in doing major work and the house is a tip and I just felt like I had no "safe place" to hide from it all. All better now :)

Good luck, I hope you find a solution that works for you.

Thanks everyone for your replies!!!!!

Jo, your post gives me real hope that I can go back on my medication and maybe get something sorted, its a horrible thing to deal with. On my tablets im fine, like I said before you wouldnt know I had a problem but off them im like a totally different person.

Looking forward to seeing the consultant now, and moving on, trying to be positive as I know I can get better!

Will you stay on the tablets Jo, right up to the birth and do they have to monitor you more?
I would like to come off them but I think it's a bit unrealistic for me to set any goals at the minute. The consultant at maternity unit didn't see any need to monitor me further and didn't forsee any probelms at the birth. They referred me back to the care of the community mid wife with a nice big "normal" written on my records.

The mid wife just checks I haven't increased the dose when I see her, I think if it was higher then they might have concerns. My GP monitors me every four weeks, but that's to help me manage the depression, not to monitor baby.

Like you I know things can get better and I'm looking forward to getting there. But I'mnot going to rush it like I have countless times before.

:hug: :hug: We'll get there xxx

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