Strollers/Buggies - Anyone want to recommend me one?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Hi All

Looking to invest in a light, easily manoeuverable buggy!

What tips do you have

G x
I have got a M&P Beat buggy which I really like and I havn't had any problems with. It is fairly lightweight, lays flat, folds easily and it has a zip pocket and an ok sized basket. It does come with a raincover although it doesn't say so in the description. It doesn't come with a footmuff so I bought a buggy snuggle for it :D ... 3EBEAT.htm
Maclaren. I've just bought the Maclaren Triumph and it's only 4.7kg and SO light. The only prob I can see is that I can't load it up with shopping like I can do with the Silver Cross.
I second ANY Maclaren stroller/buggy. We originally bought an expensive pushchair/pram combo but ended up trading it in for a much cheaper and more practical Maclaren. They tend to be very lightweigh, umbrella fold so they fit in small spaces such as car boot etc, don't have to take them apart and just a really useful stroller that our bubs loves.
Me too, Im totally backing the maclaren trend. Ive been through several buggies until I found one I really loved. I liked the quinny zapp but it has no shopping basket and doesnt recline so soon got fed up of it! Replaced that with a maclaren techno clasic which I cant rate high enough to be honest. It has everything you want, lightweight, decent sized basket, handy pockets on the back, hood, raincover and cosytoes, multi position seat and you can also change the height of the handles and pull out the front of the seat for leg support. Its extremely sturdy even with bags hanging off the handles, drives really well and all the covers are removable so easy to keep clean. Its umbrella fold so goes quite small, but is still strong enough to cope with my 3 year old when he gets tired. I think they have replaced it now with the techno xlr which is practically the same just renamed it. Will defo be using it with the next baby too x
Girls, thats brilliant thanks! Its a minefield it reminded me of when I had to buy my travel system!

Much appreciated - I will get looking x

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