stretch marks?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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I was just wondering if any of you used any of these lotions and potions you can buy to help stop stretch marks and what worked what didnt???
hiya missus.

I used bio oil and a v expensive cream called trilastin sr. i used them both twice a day religiously through out my entire pregancy and i did still get stretchers BUT i think they would be a lot worse if i hadnt used them as james was over 10lb and i am prone to stretchers anyway. As it is they are under my belly button and pretty faint. So Im doing the same again this time round in the hopes they wont get any worse!
:pray: :pray: :pray:
hiya hunnnnni :wave:

im quite prone to them as well which is why im asking!! wanna do summit about it now rather then wishing I had... been looking at that bio oil but thought I would ask b4 i bought some cause its not cheap!!
I bought some palmers butter lotion, but couldnt be arsed to put it on all the time. I am such a lazy cow :lol:

I did however when in the shower/bath used Johnsons baby oil wash on my bump. Dont know if this help at all but i didnt get any stretchmarks until after having Calleigh and then they were only small one under my belly button and you cant see them really - thank god :)

I thought i would be covered in stretchmarks due to me already having them on my thighs/bum/chest from a little weight gain :?
yeah i think it deffo worked for me

tbh i think as long as you religiously, and i mean RELIGIOUSLY! apply moisturiser twice a day then your giving yourself a fighting chance of minimising damage. As I say, dont expect miracles cos if your gonna get em your gonna get em but i do think you can reduce how severe you get them if you look after your skin. Cocoa butter is also good, espcially with Vit E.
yeah some one also mentioned Asda coco butter or summit, they said that was good? im def going to try, if I can make them slightly better then at least I know ive tried!!
i used palmers lotion too......and have some stretchies under my belly button (i joke it looks like a cheese grater now :lol: ) I didnt apply it as much as i should have, but think it did help a wee bit!
I have the palmers lotion but have only used it about 2-3 times :roll: i keep forgetting!!!

i have two tiny stretchies on my side but that's all i have **touch wood**
i mainly use the palmers stuff for stretch marks - i use in twice daily, one in morning and then before bed. I havent got a single stretch mark yet (touch wood) and i am 37 1/2 weeks preg.
My mother-in-law to be also bought me this elemis oil, which to be honest i have only used a few times - it is quite expensive, but its a hassle to use as it needs warming before use.
Everyone i speak to says the palmers stuff is as good as the expensive stuff.
I used plamers stuff all over my belly and only got one strechmark after Evie was born :twisted:

I didn't use it on my boobs though so I ended up getting stripey tits :wall: 4 months later they are almost fading but I am oiling myself up with bio oil now! :rotfl:
I havent been doing my boobs either, so might make sure i do that from now on.
I was just wondering if any of you used any of these lotions and potions you can buy to help stop stretch marks and what worked what didnt???
hiya missus.

I used bio oil and a v expensive cream called trilastin sr. i used them both twice a day religiously through out my entire pregancy and i did still get stretchers BUT i think they would be a lot worse if i hadnt used them as james was over 10lb and i am prone to stretchers anyway. As it is they are under my belly button and pretty faint. So Im doing the same again this time round in the hopes they wont get any worse!
:pray: :pray: :pray:
hiya hunnnnni :wave:

im quite prone to them as well which is why im asking!! wanna do summit about it now rather then wishing I had... been looking at that bio oil but thought I would ask b4 i bought some cause its not cheap!!
I bought some palmers butter lotion, but couldnt be arsed to put it on all the time. I am such a lazy cow :lol:

I did however when in the shower/bath used Johnsons baby oil wash on my bump. Dont know if this help at all but i didnt get any stretchmarks until after having Calleigh and then they were only small one under my belly button and you cant see them really - thank god :)

I thought i would be covered in stretchmarks due to me already having them on my thighs/bum/chest from a little weight gain :?
yeah i think it deffo worked for me

tbh i think as long as you religiously, and i mean RELIGIOUSLY! apply moisturiser twice a day then your giving yourself a fighting chance of minimising damage. As I say, dont expect miracles cos if your gonna get em your gonna get em but i do think you can reduce how severe you get them if you look after your skin. Cocoa butter is also good, espcially with Vit E.
yeah some one also mentioned Asda coco butter or summit, they said that was good? im def going to try, if I can make them slightly better then at least I know ive tried!!
i used palmers lotion too......and have some stretchies under my belly button (i joke it looks like a cheese grater now :lol: ) I didnt apply it as much as i should have, but think it did help a wee bit!
I have the palmers lotion but have only used it about 2-3 times :roll: i keep forgetting!!!

i have two tiny stretchies on my side but that's all i have **touch wood**
i mainly use the palmers stuff for stretch marks - i use in twice daily, one in morning and then before bed. I havent got a single stretch mark yet (touch wood) and i am 37 1/2 weeks preg.
My mother-in-law to be also bought me this elemis oil, which to be honest i have only used a few times - it is quite expensive, but its a hassle to use as it needs warming before use.
Everyone i speak to says the palmers stuff is as good as the expensive stuff.

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