Stretch marks already?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I had a bath tonight and when I got out and caught sight of my tummy in the mirror, I couldn't believe it as several dark, very obvious stretch marks have suddenly appeared across my belly! I know its inevitable, I just didn't think I would get them this early on.
My belly does seem to have grown very suddenly in the past 2 weeks or so, I guess this is a sign of things to come - I'm gonna get them really bad! Damn :(
Anyone else get them this early?
i didnt get them until the last month with my son but i got them really bad and then developed a rash on them that was really itchy and bled when i scratched, my bump was an absolute mess, but good news is u would hardly notice them now, i havn't got any new ones yet. They are horrible at the time but all worth it for your baby and then fade away to nothing! You should be proud of every one u get, my friends little girl calls them your "mummy marks" lol and not everyone can say they have those! x
I had them before from putting on weight, noticed a new one around your stage though. Awww mummy marks is a nice way to put it! x
i have had a couple on my thighs and bum but thats it although had alot already. nothing on belly yet. i keep putting stretch mark cream and oil everyday. xx

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