

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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Alyssa cried pretty much all day today. only time she wasnt whinging was when she fell asleep and i was getting stressed and worried. the last week or so ive pretty much been able to phase out all but the 3am bottle of formula and bf the rest of the day. last few days shes been really windy and seemed colicky, screaming in the evening, and when laid down on her back, farting a lot and going stiff/arching her back. today shes constantly wanted to suckle on me and when she did she would fall asleep quite fast. got to the point where i could hardly wake her and when she was awake she was screaming and getting hot and distressed this evening. i caved and gave her a 5 oz bottle when we got home and she raged thru it so fast i had to stop her every oz to wind her and even then she was a little sick.

her gripe water came today so we have given her some of that, she has been a lot more content after the bottle (except now cos shes being changed for bed by OH and is crying) we even had some big smiles.

my question is: is it just colic or is she not getting enough milk from me / not managing to feed well enough to get enough milk. i seem to make plenty and she latches well enough but she tends to fall asleep fast or not suck deeply enough. is there anything anyone can suggest? im all out of ideas and tbh im starting to think that it would be easier to give in and just ff her as shes so much happier after a bottle and i can see that shes getting enough to eat that way. im mortified at the thought that i might be starving my baby just because im insisting on bf'ing when shes not managing to get enough from that.:shock::oooo:
not even a slight suggestion? hmm guess im not the only one stumped lol
I'm sure you're not starving her bev.

I think it's easier for babies to get at the formula, whereas it's hard work to suckle from the breast. That could explain why she seems happier after a bottle.

Why do you think you are not giving her enough from the breast? Because of the crying? Could there be another reason?

Tilly has really unsettled days but it never crosses my mind that she's not getting enough?
She will be getting enough from the breast but Im guessing she prefers the bottle because its easier, babies can get lazy, this often happens with combination feeding, they can also prefer the taste as its sweeter than mummy milk!

I would suggest you either express and give that in a bottle so at least when she does have the bottle its your milk or be strong and don't give the bottle for a few days and trust your body to do its job. Plus they always behave a bit like this when they want to increase the supply through growth spurts. She might just settle in a day or two and not be so hungry.

Kynon often just wants to suckle for comfort and uses me a bit like a dummy at times (like now!) i know he is getting enough as he's a little porker, but i think there is more to breast feeding than just food, we are their comfort too!

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It's hard to say... K has been really cranky since I cut out formula, but she won't take a bottle at all. I was really worried I didn't have enough milk too. Had her weighed two weeks ago and will have her weighed again on Monday to see if she is gaining enough. Are yiu still pumping, and if you are, are you getting less milk? Does she seem satisfied after breastfeeding, or is it hard to tell because she falls asleep? I am not sure what to suggest, but hope things get better! Xx
Bev - could she have a touch of reflux?? The arching back, going stiff, not wanting to lie on her back sounds like. Is formula not heavier than breast milk, so maybe not coming up the same.

Would gaviscon help?? Xxx
I'm wondering if it's just because after you've given her the formula her tummy is feeling a lot fuller than what it does with your milk and she's not actually that hungry she just thinks she is with how the two milks feel in her belly if you kind of get what I'm saying??
It also does sound like colic as well. You think when you have belly ache the last thing you want is to be flat on your back, I know I'd prefer to be scrunched up to stop the pain iykwim? Xx
It does sound like a tummy problem as the others have said, I think you should speak to a HV or doctor. Or even a bf group?

Sorry you're having a rough time! It WILL get easier :)

i'll ask the hv when i see her next i think. i wouldnt be surprised if she has reflux cos i do n so does my mum. i just thought it wouldnt suddenly pop up now iykwim?
she is a lazy baby but i think if she was trying to up my supply she wouldnt fall asleep so quick, the milk is there for her but its her being too lazy to get it out, then sleeping lots and missing feeds, then falling asleep on the boob before having had more than 10 mins actual sucking. i can always squeeze some out after shes fell asleep enough to let go, and no amount of poking or tickleing or stripping will keep her awake when shes latched.
im still trying to express but i cant for the life of me get much more than an oz at a time, its ridiculous the amount of massage it takes for me to get that even and im using the maedela mini pump i bought and taking fenugreek every day (im all smelly when i get hot)
im currently trying to get her to wake up properly instead of just enough to suck for 5 mins and shes all snuffly so i think shes got a touch of a cold too :(
sounds like reflux hun. It doesn't always come out straight away. The back arching etc sounds like reflux and the constantly being latched on is comfort eating I would say. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
im gonna keep an eye on her and persevere with the bf but keep her upright while feeding (as much as possible) and for 20 mins or so afterward and elevate the head end of her basket / cot since we put her in her cot to sleep last night for the first time. if shes still unhappy on monday i'll be back to the doctors for the 4th week in a row...annoying.
shes happier this morning after i managed to wake her up properly shes fed off me twice and took enough i think, shes currently asleep in her car seat as its upright position might help as she disturbs and starts crying when i put her down flat even if shes sound asleep. only able to get her to stay asleep when shes on her side really. she does sick up when laid down after feeds occasionally but not a lot and she does seem to chew on nothing quite often which i know can mean reflux too
Sorry, i've not read thro the other posts, only the first one. It sounds exactly like reflux. Thats what I thought as soon as you mentioned arching of back, thats a common symptom and theres others in your first post, being sick, not wanting to lie down flat, excessive crying, comfort sucking, ect ect.

Theres some things you can try til you get to the HV. Even if it isn't reflux it wont do any harm....keep LO upright during feed, & upright for 30-40mins after. Dont lie LO down flat (at all) keep cot, chatnging mat ect all raised from the ground. Feed little & often & wind LO every couple of oz.

Good luck with the HV. Was thinking you might have more luck at the docs, my HV was useless about reflux, plus...your HV cant prescribe you anything.

Meant to add...try not to use car seat or infant recliner too much, these can make reflux worse, as the scrunched up position (legs slightly raised) it squashes their tummies & can make them reflux. Either straight upright or whole body elevated (no cushions..the whole body needs to be elevated)

Oh, and with my first I went from boob to bottle & didn't even get a sniff of a problem, only seen improvements tbh.

Oh and Kayden's reflux wasn't diagnosed until he was nearly 5 month old, but the more i read about the symptoms it turns out he had it from birth coz he was always crying & showing colic symptoms

Defo doesn't sound like you're not producing enough milk, she must be most contented when she's latched on because she's falling asleep.

Does the problem seem to ease gradually throughout the day and then recur after the 3am bottle?

It might be because she is being weaned onto just breast and her body is just adjusting.

Defo speak to breast feeding support hun. xxxxx

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