
Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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I'm really stressed out today - have first mw app. at 12.45 today - very nervous about that as I don't know what exactly is going to happen!

Also, we run our own business and I am worrying about money and supporting the baby when it arrives, and taking time off etc. Don;t want to come back to work, and have mentioned this to OH, he is cool about it, but then I worry that the business will be financially ok etc.


Feeling really emotional and just want to cry! :cry:
Aw Emmy, sorry your feeling like this, we're all like that at some point!!

At your midwife appointmwnt they just go over your medical history, take some blood samples, weigh you, just genereally have a chat about how your feeling etc, so nothing to be worried about at all!!

I'm the same as you worrying about the financial side of having a baby, but i know both my OH and i will manage no matter what, we always do hun!

Good luck for today and chin up xxx
Hi Emmylou
Dont go stressing yourself about material and financial things for the baby. Your baby is going to be warm,safe and loved and to be honest you couldnt ask for more than that. When I had my daughter 6 years ago I didnt know how we were going to manage for money but you do,you will be suprised by how much people give you too.

Everything will be okay with the m/w hun,if anythings is worrying you then do talk to them as they have heard it all before a million times so they can help.

Keep your chin up and take care
Thanks everyone, I know this baby will be spoilt by its grandparents (1st grandchild) so thats always reassuring! I just want to keep a roof over its head etc.

I am sure I am worrying over nothing, just being emotional - so glad I can type all my worries into this forum, and get warmth and support back - thanks guys :hug:
You are all angels with internet access :hug:

I'm off to meet my mw now, I'm calmer than I was so thats all good x
It's been a while since i've been called an angel Emmy!! :angel:

Let us know how you got on! :D
Hope it went well today Emmy and you have a nice MW :)
hope your appointment went ok. :wave:

Its natural to worry and with all your hormones flying around it makes everything seem 100 times worse sometimes :| , we have been thinking what we are going to do as well, but like you say you do manage with what you got and as long as you have good family and friends i don't think you can go wrong. we'll all be fine :hug:
Hi Guys

My MW is lovely! Apart from the fact she stuck a big needle in my arm and took 4 tubes of blood - Aaargggh!

I hate needles! I didn't look, and to be honest it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, my veins were shy which was probably the most painful bit.

I now have my own set of notes, and a million leaflets and booklets for me and OH to read, I have even been booked in for my dating scan - 4th September - so 3 weeks today! Yay!

Thanks for all your support guys x
That wasn't long to wait until your scan was it!! Look forward to seeing your scan pics hun!!

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