

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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It's pretty obvious at the moment that I have stress and I know I should go to the doctor but can they actually do anything for it? I don't want to be signed off work or anything like that, but other than "managing my lifestyle" are there tablets for it?

Bit of a turn from my usual depression but theres no doubt about it that I am stressed. I am trying to go to the gym to help with this along with my unhappiness re: body shape, but I'm feeling really down now about it. I've always got a lump in my throat and having problems swallowing and eating, which is common for stress apparently, and I'm fed up of taking an asparin for it every other night. My new job is more stressful for certain and Ryan is also being a handful at the moment.

Just need somesort of help as at the moment I don't look forward to anything and always feel edgy and tired and it's having an impact on my relationships with nat and ryan. Work think I'm fab so there's no worries there, but home life is pretty miserable right now :( and nat doesn't understand about it at all so there's no help there as every time we talk about anything remotely emotional it ends up as a slanging match :(

And if you're gonna suggest a few days off, I have booked off Weds, Thurs, Fri before bank holiday weekend (ryans birthday) and also this friday coming for the brum meet, but I can't have any other time off as 1 of my 2 members of staff is away for 2 weeks on annual leave, and the other is a temp :wall:

Thanks for listening x
oh hun i dont know what to sugest tbh... only way to find out i guess is to go to the docs and see what they say.

Hope you feel better hun and im here anytime you need me xxx
I dont think you can get tabs for stress TBH, i think you just need a large chuck of you time to help you on your way, or a large bar of chocolate hehe

I hope you feel better soon

:hug: :hug:
awwk :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: what about taking up yoga, learning some breathing excersises etc?

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