

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Well after 3 weeks of non stop I have finally burnt out, my mum is still on intensive care and I am driving everyday to be with her. Little man is getting bigger and at 31 weeks I'm starting to struggle and now my works are getting arsey because I haven't gone back yet and used all my holiday. To top that off I am going to have to move back to my mums to become her carer until her rehab is complete and I will hopefully be having my new born sometime in that time. I literally feel like I don't know my arse from my elbow and all I really wanna do Is sit in the corner and cry. I'm physically exhausted and now my works want me back till my maternity my mum is still in icu and I feel like I need splitting in a million pieces. Cxxxx
First of all I am so sorry to hear about your mum :( :hugs:

Have you told work about your mum and that you are the only one that can help care for her??, Can you start your maternity leave early?.

At the end of the day and as horrible as it sounds you and your baby and your family are far more important than a job, and I know that is easy to say sometimes too but it's true..

again massive hugs to you and I hope the stress eases soon xxx
So sorry to hear everything thats going on.
Agree with BellaRiven tho, in that u need to put u and ur family first. Talk to ur work about takin mat leave early, hopefully theyll be sympathetic to you!
Hope things pick up for you soon, just try and take it easy (I know thats easier said than done), it's important for baby! xxx
:( Im guessing there is a reason you have decided not to take your mat leave early, but I would consider it for baby, for you and for your mum's sake too.

I would also say take some time out to relax, but I know if I was in your shoes I would be thinking "nice idea, but NO TIME!".

... so all in all I am no help whatsoever, but I hope things get easier!
Lol well I have been to docs and he has said he has signed me off sick with stress for two weeks and I have then requested I start my maternity leave so hopefully they will let me. Xx
fingers crossed they will hunni, they should understand its a lot for you to go through even when not pregnant, but yet you are. take things easy if possible ask a friend to go one day to get some rest x x x

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