

Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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I am so stressed and sick to death of having no money. Everytime I think we are on top of things another bill comes in. I can't even begin to imagine how we will afford xmas. :cry::wall::(:-(
tell me about in 2 weeks, then xmas, then baby and the piston goes on the car,,,...minimum £800 to fix....oh god x
having just forked out 450 to fix both cars i know the feeling lol. specially since i only got 900 this month and everything else is for the bills lol
Thanks ladies. I was doing so well too. I seem to have a nice week then everything goes wrong the next!
Chin' s up ladies, i know its easy to feel down were moneys involved but sit back and think of all those lovely things in your lifes. A happy & healthy family, a little baby on the way. Money troubles always work them selfs out in the end. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chin' s up ladies, i know its easy to feel down were moneys involved but sit back and think of all those lovely things in your lifes. A happy & healthy family, a little baby on the way. Money troubles always work them selfs out in the end. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Good advice!

I'm in the doo doos to with money cos OH is injured and out of work so we get nothing cos hes self employed :(
Oh big hugs everyone. I have also been stressing a bit about when to go back to work and paying for baby after its arrived. I'm accepting as much second hand stuff as possible as I figure everything I don't have to buy is another few pennies in the pot for the post baby fund. I debated selling nudey rudey photos of myself on the internet to raise some extra cash but think the gut I've got on me now has put paid to that!!!! (JOKE!!)
With the christmas stuff have a look on eBay, thats where I got a few of my bits. I have had a canvas done for my mum for £4, and it's come out amazing. Just don't go shopping to the high street!!

I know what you mean about money. Think most of us are feeling the pinch.
I was the same hun, there is just always something to undo your hard work trying to get on top

I was gettin realy panicked a few months back so I set all my bills up on monthly Direct Debit, So Electricity and Gas ect that would turn up every 2 or 3 months when I was starting to get on top of things now all come out on the 1st of the month so what money is left is for living costs and I have to say its made a huge difference, So much easier to budget now knowing were not gonna get a sneeky bill when we least expect it, Because they take the same amount each month if at the end of the year were in credit you just ask them for it back and get a cheque so its kind of saving too

There will still always be the odd things that pop up like car probs ect but if the main bills are allready paid for it takes the pressure off a bit I think

Try stay positive hun im sure everything will work out in the end :)
also it never hurts to check if your entitled to a tax rebate or tax credits by ringing up the tax ppl for either one and asking them

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