
Sal C

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
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Can anyone give me tips on how to relax!!!

I am soooo highly strung about this whole thing (I'm actually pretty highly strung most of the time I'm not pregnant too).

I've not had symptoms for a few days and I just noticed some brown blood on the paper when I wiped (sorry TMI) and am getting period like pains (which I have been getting a little throughout as normal but they seem stronger this evening).

I have been trying not to be excited about being pregnant as it is so early but am now absolutely petrified and upset that it might all be about to come to an end. My DH was so happy and I so won't want to dissapoint him, even though I know h'ell understand.
oh hun have some hugs :hug: :hug:

Firstly take a deep breathe and calm yourself down its not helping you or bubba.

As for the symptoms you may be one of the lucky ones or dont get any symptoms so women go through pregnancy feeling fine :D

As for the brown blood that is old blood as iv always been told i would only worry if its really red and lots of it, as for the period type pains i get these too its the baby expanding so your stomach ligaments are stretching its quite uncomfy i know.

Maybe go to your doc and they will put your mind more at rest that soon you will have a baby.

Hope your ok hun and im here if you wanna chat PM anytime :hug:
It is only natural to worry, I am the same. Try to relax, the stomach ache is normal. When i was about 5 weeks i had a little bit of brown but it went in a couple of days.

I know it is easy to say relax but do try. If anything changes or the worry is just too much then you can always speak to your GP or try your early pregnancy unit at your local hospital.

if the pain is on one side then it is the side your bubble has implanted on, its just your body changing. i got this too. try not to worry hun. i went through a phase of no sympoms but i knew everythings was still ok. there are times now i wish i was having no symptoms!!!

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