Strange question


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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Strange question I know but has anyone ever had an item of jewerally changed into something else

I'm not really explaining myself very well so let me explain when I wad 18 my nan's next door neighbour ( she didn't have children of her own) gave me an opal ring of hers as it's my birth stone! It's very garish a big oval opal with 10 little black stones around the edge! I have never worn it but was wondering if I could have the black stones taken off, the opal changed to a landscape position and a simple band put on it!

I totally forgot about it and just found it in my jewerally box, it seems such a shame that she gave me it before she died but it's just sat there collecting dust! I doubt it's worth much, just sentimental value!
yeah Im pretty sure you can do Gran had her wedding ring changed to a necklace cos she had problems with recurrent swelling hands and was advised not to wear any jewelery on her wrists and fingers. SO she got her wedding ring cut into 2 small interlinking rings that she wore on a simple gold chain as a necklace. It might cost you though...but it would be unique!
Oh yes absolutely!! Just before Christmas I got a diamond and ruby ring taken apart and made into earrings for my mum. It did cost a bit, but that was more to do with the price of gold at the moment. I just found a small independent jeweller who has his own workshop and was able to do exactly what I asked, and gave good advice about what would work and what wouldn't!!

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