I was wondering if any of you girls were experiencing this. They began last night.
I keep getting very sharp one second pains very low down in my pubic area. I don't feel alarmed as they are not that painful but I haven't had these before. The way I can describe them really is like a sharp needle pricking.
I am going to post a pic later of my bump so perhaps you could let me know if bubs is looking quite low down now. Think it could just be lots of pressure on my bladder
I keep getting very sharp one second pains very low down in my pubic area. I don't feel alarmed as they are not that painful but I haven't had these before. The way I can describe them really is like a sharp needle pricking.
I am going to post a pic later of my bump so perhaps you could let me know if bubs is looking quite low down now. Think it could just be lots of pressure on my bladder