Strange feeling


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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My cat just had one of her weird fits for the first time in ages, she tends to fall off things while she is doing it.

Anyway my point is, as she did this i moved pretty quickly to the edge of the sofa and tried to stop her from fitting, but now i have a really strange feeling in my pelvic area and it carries on going down, its on the left side, i really dont know how to describe it.... maybe like a fuzzy feeling? it doesnt hurt but i am just wondering if i have damaged myself and if it is my cervix opening up to abort my foetus.

I'm hoping its just stretching but it just seems a bit coincedental that it started only when i moved in a panic to see to the cat.

My midwife didnt ring with the appointments like she was supposed to either :x
You really are worried for this little baby arent you?, its such a stressfull time.

If the pain gets any worse go to your A and E and they can have a look for you.


Yes sorry, :oops: i know i have asked a lot of questions and i am really worried, the thing is i have'nt been half as bad for a few days now, and then something happens to start me worrying again.

I'm really sorry for all the questions, but i dont have anyone else to ask as my midwife is useless.
Flame, feel free to ask as many questions as you like that is what the forum is here for. Think Jadie was just pointing out what a stressful time it is. I was so worried through first tri, this worry hasn't left I just feel better cos I can see my tummy getting bigger so I know baby is growing.

I have had a few instances where i have stretched and then felt my tummy stretch & pull and thought i had done something. Honestly, I think you'll be fine, you'd be surprised how tough your body is and baby is very tough in there!

If pains persists &/or you get any bleeding then you should call a&e or nhs direct for peace of mind!

:hug: :hug:
Its ok to ask questions!! I just feel sorry for you, been so worried. I hope I have not offended you? I asked loads of questions, thats what we are here for!!
Might be just ligamental. I get shockingly bad pains if I stand up too quickly.
I'm not offended Jadie :) i'm annoyed at myself for being so worried all the time, but i suffer with my nerves and anxiety so i'm kinda stuck this way i think :?

It wasnt a pain, it was just strange, but it seems to have calmed down a bit now, its just more like a tickling feeling now :think:

Maybe its time to go to the docs for some kind of pills to keep me calm and sane :?

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