Strange coloured urine?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2014
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I've been drinking lots of water lately, and so it's surprising me each time I use the toilet and my wee is really dark. It's not even dark it's more orange. There's been occasions where I've double checked to make sure there's no blood...

I'm at the midwife on Wednesday. What could this be? I certainly don't feel dehydrated and am drinking lots of water. Don't wanna google & panic myself but I'm being monitored for pre eclampsia, and wondering if it could be anything serious xx

It's lightened up since so I'm gonna see how it is tomorrow and will ring after work if it's still unusual. It's probably nothing. This pregnancy is running so smoothly I'm just waiting for something to go wrong I think! Lol

Ahh I know what you mean. I'm 38 weeks and I've had no issues so far....not even sickness. So I'm waiting for something!!!
I had orange wee a few times when I was in the late stages of pregnancy too.
I never got it checked out though, but I did get thatvsymptom, so you know you're not alone :)
I had sickness until 12 weeks but that feels like a life time ago! I'm 34 weeks now & by this point with my daughter I was in hospital & they were planning on keeping me there until baby was born! :|

It's been a lot lighter today but a lot less frequent which is very unlike me. I'm making a huge effort to drink lots but I'll mention it to the midwife tomorrow! X

Funnily enough i had to do a urine sample today for my midwife appointment and noticed my urine looked very orange too. Im 28 weeks. The midwife said i must be dehydrated and must drink 8-10glasses of water each day.

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