Storing Breast milk and formula


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I am finding that at night Harry needs a top up of milk, so i have been expressing milk and he sometimes has formula. Now my question is where is the best place to store breast and formula milk? in the fridge or room temp. If fridge can i give it straight to him out of there or have to wait for it to warm a little. How long will it last?

Thank you
I was told yesterday that breast milk will keep in the fridge happpily for 24 hours, and then you can freeze it at the end of the 24 hour period if you like. I think it contains natural antibacterials which help it keep longer.

As for formula, I think the latest guidelines are to make it up as you need it and discard it after an hour and a half.
You don't have to warm it up either, but most little babies won't have it too cold, you'll have to see what he prefers.
Thanks so i can feed breast milk straight from the fridge.

Ref formula, it takes 30 mins to make up, so if your baby is screaming you have to wait 30 mins?
I feed my twins on formula and the 30min kettle boil thing is frankly stupid!!! For a start the water is far too hot after 30 mins and I was spending the next 10 mins trying to cool it down.......not great at 3am! So my midwife told me to make up all the bottles at once and leave them sealed (I don't put them in the fridge) then add the milk as you need it.

I took up 4 bottles for each baby and a box of milk to my bedroom so it wasn't such a chore to get their food ready. During the warmer nights I don't have to warm up the bottles which is great.

Now they are nearly 4 months they don't need any night feeds (JOY!) but i take up the 6.30 one anyway.

It makes life easier that's for sure.

Hope this helps.
Me again, sorry just re-read my last post......

I didn't clarify that I make up the bottles with just BOILED WATER, usually as soon as the kettle has boiled, then add FORMULA as and when, so if the water is still a little warm it's ok, and if it's too cold I sometimes tip out a bit and add fresh boiled two take it either way, but they don't like it too warm.....Freddie goes APE.
Hiya thanks for your reply, i will do that tonight, i have been expressing but not sure if its enough but we will soon see.

Thanks again.
Breast milk can be kept in the fridge - keep it at the back of the fridge not in the door. When you come to feed baby, you might wanna warm it up as baby will be used to warm milk, just the way it comes out from you.
Don't microwave - the best way I find is to put some boiling water in a jug and sit the bottle in that for a short while - test the temp by dropping a little from the teat onto the inside of your wrist.....if you can't feel the milk its just right.
With formula, boil the water and add to the bottles ready (use water that is only boiled once), leave the bottles on the side to cool down (with tops on) is prob best to do this in the morning, and you can do enough to have your bottles for the next 24hours, when you need to feed babba add the formula, some babies will take at room temp, if not warm it up a little....change the water if the bottles haven't been used after 24hours.
Thank you so much for your advise. Well I made some bottles up last night (just boiling water) and when he woke put milk in them, and he loved it, fell straight asleep after BRILLIANT

Great news :D

remember to keep expressing as much as you can otherwise your milk supply will definitely drop and you may find yourslef fighting a losing battle to get it back, it's happened to quite a few ladies on here.

Feel free to pm me if you need any advice :)
lol you just answered my other thread thank you. Yes was expressing all last night dont want to dry up.

Thanks for your suport, its very nice to have the suport of this forum when needed.
i thought that you could make up bottles leave them in the fridge an when you need them just use a bottle warmer to warm them up!
is this not true?
I used to make 10 bottles for the day when stephen was a NB.Who in all honestry can make a bottle on demand when you have a baby screaming for his food!?stephenwas a very hungry baby and put on a pound and a half on for the forst two months.
Breast milk keeps for 12 hours i think then it loses its nutriants, whereas formula it dont matter.

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