formula milk


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2007
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just wondering how long u can make the milk for and put in fridge. is it a day only or 2days?

im gonna return to breast asap tho cause formula is a nightmare lol breast is best as its there and ready when baby wants it and right temp :P im not starting a debate neither just the above i wanna know :)
once ive warmed it can i reheat it?
Hi i know once its warmed you cant rewarm it again later on. I think it is 2 days when i was feeding my girls but i only ever made up enough for the whole day and through the night, then there was no way i was going to make my girls ill

Hope this helps, I havent used formula for 2 and half years now but will be using it soon enough again :rotfl:
yeh i think it might be 2 days but i used to just make up enough for the day and night feeds and make them every morning, that way you dont have to keep remembering which were done on which date also.

The new advice is to make it as you need it, you can keep boiled water in sterilised bottles in the fridge or just on the side in the kitchen, and put the powder in when you need it.

Personally I think 2 days is too long and bacteria will start to grow. Better safe than sorry :)
I would only make it up as needed. When your out and about just take the boiled water with you, and one of those dispensers for the powder, and make it up as you go along.
i too would make it as you need it.. keep the boiled water in the bottles in the fridge.. but if i kept the milk any longer than 12 hours i used to throw it away!
ok thanx alot guys wish i could get her on my boob but its kinda dry now :( boob days are over i think.

think shes constipated too not had poo from her . think she pooed sometime yesterday but nothing since.gonna check boots and coop for something :)
i have always made up enough for 24 hours & then after 24 hrs any unused milk then gets thrown away :D
once the milk that youve made has cooled down it then goes in the fridge.not in the door though :D
this is somthing that has got me completly... seriously - make it as you need it!... like get up in the early hours with a screaming baby, go down stairs, put kettle on, powder in the bottle, *wait 4 mins for kettle* (all of which your child is screaming).... pour boiling water in bottle...wait bloody ages for it to cool...


i know thats the advice but when a baby is so young you might have to do this 3-4 times a night!!

if im honest.. ive never done this. I make her 2 bottles when i go to bed. there boiling hot on my bedside table... i go to sleep (the lid are on tight etc) and a few hours later she wakes i give her them.
No problems whatso ever for the last 3-4 months.. ...
it works for me :)

oh.. through the day, i do tend to make them as i need them (well kinda... once shes had one.. i make another straight away so its cool by the time she wants it - i have a very hungery baby)... i do, do a load for the fridge occasionly.....but only when ive got enough clean bottles and time to make them all up lmao :rotfl:
With 'make them as you need them' I think it just refers to adding the formula, rather than boiling the water too.
Each night, I boil the water, add them to freshly sterilised bottles, then measure the formula into dispensers and leaving everything on the side.
When I need one I boil the kettle (just enough water to heat the bottle - takes like 1 minute if that), add the formula to the bottle & heat.
Every night when she's in bed I sterilise everything, refill the bottles and dispensers and I'm ready to start a new day :D

EDIT - Rachel&Jarvis - I do what you do with allowing time for the bottles to cool down, if I'm going somewhere I don't think I'll be able to heat the bottles, I add new water (boiling) and put the bottle in the changing bag, then by the time she's hungry I just add the powder and its nearly always at about the right temp :D
i make up 6 bottles per day i make them the night before once Willow has gone to bed i steralise the bottles add the boiling water and put in the cupboard ready for the night and day ahead Willow takes her bottles at room temp so i dont need to heat them :cheer: and i just add the powder as i go, never had any probs so i carried on have done this since she was born.

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