Stopping BF'ing


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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Ok we made it to 6 months now how on earth do i do this, i have so much milk!!! :rotfl: I dont want to end up engorged like when he was newborn. How long does milk take to go?

Any advice please!
Hi, when I stopped I cut out actual breast feeding but expressed for a week (and feed LO with the bottle). This helped initially reduce down the supply and I was strict about not expressing more than I needed to. I went to express one day and hardly got anything, so I decided I wouldn't express anymore.

I did get really engorged but I was strict and just left my breasts well alone! I wore a really, really tight bra which made a huge difference to the discomfort. I'd put it on in the morning, and then leave it on to sleep in that evening. I'd only touch my boobs to replace breast pads and showering in the morning and that was it! I found that any contact was uncomfortable.

I'd also advise that when you do stop, try and ensure the first few days are when your OH will be about, as you may not be able to pick your LO up or hold him, as it will be really uncomfortable.

The first few days are the worst, and I'd say most of the discomfort is gone within a week. You can also take paracetamol / Ibuprofen to relieve the pain.
Oh crikey, i'm gonna get all engorged again. :wall: :cry:
Hey lady there are some homeopathic remedies that will dry you up ?? Interested??
if you just keep weaning gradually at nine months with mine the flow kinda stops by itself no engorged boobs.
i think it's only a problem if you stop suddenly. goodluck :moon:
unless you stop feeding cold turkey it shouldn't be too bad. As you replace certain feeds with solids your body will adjust your milk accordingly xx
I stopped by gradually cutting out feeds. If you do just stop suddenly one day then you will get engorged.

I cut out feeds during the day, then a few days later dropped the evening one(s) (she was very snacky), then finally the one first thing. Didn't have any engorgement.

Is there a reason you want to give up now? I fed my oldest for 10 months, 2nd for 6 months (she bit me too much!) and my youngest for 11 months. They all had breast milk when I was there and formula when I wasn't. You can do both fairly easily I've found.
Its not advisable to stop suddenly :think: You'll be in a lot of pain, and bfing is good for years ;) There are two ways to go about this... a) do what the others have suggested, introduce solids, cut down a bf'd here and there and slowly reduce how much you feed over a period of months or b) You can changed to expressing only. Expressing isn't as effective as actually bfing... so over time your milk will reduce till you don't produce any more. What you express you can give to your LO so he gets all the nutrients of bm but is learning that it doesn't come from mummy :) Plus you can start mixing formula and bm and make the transition between the two more smooth... But just because your LO is 6 months doesn't mean you HAVE to stop bf'ing :wink: you'll loose your only weapon against OH when he's a pain by running around and squirting him in the face when he's naughty :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I am really torn with knowing what to do, i love breastfeeding but Morgan pulls and fusses and it really hurts. We have started weaning him and he is having some food at 2-3pm and 11pm so he is not taking quite as much. Also as a lot of you know i have suffered terrible PTSD and PND since he was born and i am really struggling to maintain my weight (Dont all hate me) it is falling off me and has been now for 6 months due to stress. I was a size 12 pre preg and now verging on a size 8. I look awful and pale, i am tired all the time and feel ill. I look gaunt and unhealthy. My stoopidly huuuuge boobs are the one curve i have left. My PND has got to the stage where i really could do with some pills for it and i dont want Morgan to be having this gunk in his milk. Gosh what on earth do i do? :roll: :cry:

I dont know what to do:

Cons of giving up:
The bond
Its cheaper than formula
Its easy
Its good for him

Pros of giving up:
I can maintain my weight
I can get some anti depressants
I can get some 'me' time
My boobs get small again :rotfl:
Bless you, it sounds as though you might be right for your own sake to cut down and stop BF when you feel the time is right. You have done so well to get this far :hug: :hug:
:clap: well done for getting to 6 mths.. i think you've done fab and should be really proud of yourself :D Sorry i don't know anything about weaning off the boob as my LO is still on it! Good luck tho if def sounds like you need to get yourself sorted :hug: :hug: xx
WHooo hooo you did great :dance: :dance:

If you feel like you want to stop I would just gradually supplement over time, with formula and solids. I preferred to keep any night/early morning feeds as BM as it's easier.
As long as you do it slowly you should be OK.
Well done for getting to 6 months kelly!!!

Do whatever makes you feel comfortable!!!
Urchin said:
WHooo hooo you did great :dance: :dance:

If you feel like you want to stop I would just gradually supplement over time, with formula and solids. I preferred to keep any night/early morning feeds as BM as it's easier.
As long as you do it slowly you should be OK.

Thats sound advice... Stop if its time for you to stop (which it seems to be :) ) but do it gradually so that you don't become too engorged :) I hated feeling engorged :(

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