:( stopping bf


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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well I don't know where to start :( I posted a few times about what's going on with me and Owen with him refusing the boob and stuff but not a great deal.

So the story is - last 3 weeks or so he has screamed when I put him on the boob to feed so I ended up giving him bottles of formula during day. Am kinda ok with this, taken time to accept it but he's nearly 6 months and feel kinda ready, I think. And it's like he has chosen himself. Had a lot of chats along the way with a bf counsellor and all we can work out is he's having more bottles when my husband has had him for the day here and there and he's choosing bottles over boob So just doing what he wants really.

rambling now so will get to the point. I'm now only doing 1/2 feeds a day, he's screaming for those but I don't want to stop totally yet. I know it's a matter of days not weeks til he refuses completely. But again I am kinda half way there to accepting that. The problem is that the last 4 days since the feeds have gone from 4 a day to now 1 or 2 I feel like complete shit. Crying, ( alot)angry (a lot) massive mood swings :( broke my dhs i phone by throwing it :(:( Have had bit of depression a few years ago and feeling out of control with my emotions makes me feel so scared. I hope it will pass. Googling it I saw that stopping bf can cause big hormonal changes, I was relieved to read this as just thought i was going mad. To top it all off we have just spent a long weekend in ireland, I felt pressured by my aunties who keep telling me how to do things. I start back at work tomorrow - just 2 days a week (we have a lovely childminder but still...) It's just all massively overwhelming and I feel crap :(

Basically just wondered if anyone felt like total poo when stopping bf and when can I expect this to feel a bit better?

thanks for reading :eh:
I think it's perfectly normal to feel this way :hugs:

Just think of all the changes going on in your body right now, hormolally especially, it's bound to be a struggle. I'm trying to get Oscar on other sources of liquid other than boob but he totally refuses and it i=s so draining being the only one to be able to see to him all the time.

You're swapping gradually which must be a good thing. Just keep going as much as you can if that's what you want. Maybe in the night feeds when he's more docile??
Thanks hon,
Yeah will try and keep it going. It's more these massive homronal changes I think. been so up and down and teary a lot.
Im Now stopping breastfeeding as Tegan is Lactose intolerant and Im struggling Not eating any dairy, i feel selfish and angry with myself! i've spoken to breastfeeding counciller But i still feel Crap, she's only had one breast feed today and i feel rubbish about it. hope you feel better soon Hun xx
I think there is something sad about stopping bf though. I bf DD for 4 months an hated it but I was upset at stopping as if she didn't need her mummy anymore and anyone could feed her. It's weird how our minds work
I had to stop at 9 weeks, Alex just was not getting enough and no matter what i tried nothing worked for me and I tried it all. He is now on formula and is a much happier baby compared to when he was bf from me. I felt so sad as that special bond had finally been cut loose but I have to say he is now 12 weeks and I am over it, he is so happy it takes my mind off it and knowing he is doing well reassures me.

You have done soooo well to do it for so long, I didn't get even half that distance so pat yourself on the back knowing you have given the best start and its babys way of saying he is ready to move on x
Thanks girls. I think everything happening at once has just been too overwhelming. He had his first day at childminders yesterday and I went to work, it was all fine, I held back the tears and did lots of deep breathing (like labour lol) Feeling more positive today. Feared for my sanity this weekend, but everyone has meltdowns right?!
I'm feeling a bit like this too. Isla has started refusing the boob and so I've been expressing. I'm really missing breastfeeding her and been feeling guilty too.
Hey SmallPurpleCat,
It's horrid isn't it? Owen started off just refusing one feed every few days, think to start with when he had teeth pain or a cold and it's just gone from there. I know it'sbetter than the alternative-not taking a bottle at all (I think anyway) as went back to work part time yesterday :( we just have to go with what they want I guess...
I haven't fed Tegan for two days now, i feel so guilty and emotional never thought id miss breastfeeding so much x
oh honey:hug: It's so hard isn't it. We're just doing the 3am feed now (The one I was desperate to get rid of but now I don't mind) but tbh it''s a struggle even for that one. Think i 'll be all dried up soon...

this too shall pass

my milk is slowly drying up. OH keeps reminding me how well i've done after how hard i found it to begin with But the guilt is still there xx
yeah I found it v tough and ploughed through. But being told how well we've done doesn;t seem to help me. Time has helped, it's been winding down for a few weeks now. What doesn't help is some of my family saying it's time to stop now anyway :( argh!

I've started enjoying giving him bottles more, he just loves to gulp them down :) we have some nice little chilled hugs, I've been thinking less and less about the bfing every day, hope that helps?

It does Hun its nice to talk to someone going through the same thing. im starting to enjoy bottle feeding and Im enjoying how much happier she is x
Matt wasnt getting enough from me so I started supplementing him a couple of weeks ago, it really upset me! I still feed him in the night but he is so big now I cannot give him what he needs - I like to think I am technically still bf'ding him :)

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