Stopping and Starting


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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Hi ladies,

Haven't really posted much during my pregnancy as I normally just google stuff as I don't like asking to many silly questions lol But basically wondering if this has happened to anyone else.

So I'm bang on 36 weeks today. On Monday night got admitted to hospital as having strong painful tightenings about 6 mins apart lasting about a minute at a time. Was given some sort of morphine and eventually everything stopped then started again next day about every 4 mins apart. I saw the anetheatist (sp) as I'm to have a section and was given two steroid injections 24 hours apart for babies lungs. I was examined and told my cervix was thinning but not dilating and eventually everything calmed down and was sent home on the Wednesday.

Seems to be stopping and starting constantly. We're coming about 3 mins apart last night eventually tailed off with some stopping and starting in the middle of the night. Seem to be ok so far today with only a few painful ones but no regularity. I obviously would like baby to stay put for a little longer but I am totally exhausted with the pains and the stopping and starting, has this happened to anyone else? How long was it before things really kicked off?

Thanks in advance x
Sorry to hear that, it must be frustrating!!
I didn't want to read and run and can't entirely relate, but with DD from week 39 I had mild contractions, period pain type feelings only at night for the week up until she was born. At 39 weeks my midwife checked me and I as already 1cm dilated so I guess it was slow labour.

I hope you can still manage to rest. You'll have your sweet baby soon enough :)
Thanks for replying hun! Don't know if it really does make a difference but baby was also semi back to back and from what I can read on internet this can slow things down too :( its just the tiredness thats reallt getting to me aswell as not really knowing when to go back to hospital as everything is all over the place x

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