Stoopid Landlord..


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I know this is probably the wrong place.

We have just had a call from an estate agents as the owner of our flat wants to put it on the market andthey wanna come take photo's asap, they wanted to come this afternoon and I icksnayed that one straight away, I have been so ill this week that keeping the flat tidy hasn't been an option.

I managed to get them to change it til Monday afternoon which is fine.

However it hasn;t been made clear at any point if he is selling it straight out or if he is going to do it on a Buy to let basis so we can stay.

So now we have this to deal with right on top of baby nearly being here :roll:

I have emailed the landlord to find out what route he is taking as because we have a dog as well it can take us longer to find somewhere to live grrrrrr

I am all frustrated now after having only a few hours sleep last night because of Riven tap dancing all over my belly and giving me horrible wind I couldn;t get rid of!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant, don't know if it wouldn't be better if I just started looking anyway......

Hey, sorry to have to hear you are dealing with things like this! Anyway in your tenancy agreement should tell you that they have to give you notice to enter the flat, unless and emergency... And pictures isn't an emergency. Also it should state how much notice they would have to give you if you wanted the flat back, so maybe best to check this out so you know your rights. Depends how long you have had the property and when you are due to renew your lease. So get all the info you can.
this happened to my friend and she just started looking straight away for a new place as she couldnt handle the stress of not knowing what was happening or when they would have to leave, now she is in a new flat and the other one is still up for sale but she doesnt need to worry about having to pack up and leave with 3 or 4 weeks notice :)
Oh hon I really feel for you. This has happened to me before and it's stressful enough, I can't even imagine it while pregnant.

I'd say start looking now. I know how hard it is to find somewhere that will accept pets too. Does your landlord know you're due to give birth within the next couple of weeks? Obviously they don't have to make allowances for that but you would hope they would bare it in mind.

Good luck with it all :hug:
My FIL rents houses out to people and he has to give people 2 months notice that he no longer wishes to rent the house out to them. Not really fair of the letting agent to just ring you and say about pictures without you having any idea of the intention to sell or not knowing where you stand with ur tenancy. Would have hoped that people would have a bit more respect that just saying oh im selling and want the pictures today!
Does the landlord know you are pregnant? Seems a bit unfair that you may have a newborn and people wanting to come and look round.
Anyway, hope you find out where you stand and try not to get stressed (easier said than done i know) xx
I agree with searching now.

My friend bought a flat recently and the previous owner was a landlord - he told his tennant he was selling to another landlord when he knew fullwell my friend was buying to live in it. Caused a lot of problems for both my friend and his tennant. :( sorry to hear about this stress by the way.
Only just seen this hun, can't believe this is happening to you too!! Our landlord last week lost his job and told us the house was being repossesed ! Soooo stressed out! This is the last thing we need at the moment! Luckily we have somewhere to go, but its not ready for another few weeks and don't know when we are going to have angry ppl banging on the door :-'(
I would start looking just in case, I understand it taking longer to find a pet friendly landlord, we have 2 dogs and a cat.
Hope you find out what's going on! Let me know how things go xxx
He has told the agents that he wants to sell it with us as Sitting tenants but let's be honest if you were made an offer from someone who wnated it without tenants would you turn it down! I don;t think I would and who's to say that after it's sold the landlord then won;t give us notice!!!

Kayelle, it's so horrible isn't it having to think about this at the same time as baby due :roll:

Strangely at the Ante Natal class one of the things the woman said was to avoid moving in the first few months of baby being here! I just sat there giggling :)
I totally agree, these days, you get an offer you take it!!
Yeah its annoying, we are just so glad we hadn't papered nursery as it was a very generous gift of £30 a roll mamas and papas stuff!!
Very stressful thinking of moving, lucky we only going not half a mile down the road, and loads ppl to help, cos we can't lift or anything like you said for at least 6 weeks, but that will make me feel guilty everyone doing my work!! Then there is worrying about changing addresses with everything, esp hospital etc :-( arrrghhhh stooopid landlords!!!
You think your gonna look just incase? Xxx
Yeah, I spoke to OH and he thinks it's a good idea.

At least we don;t have to rush which means we can see as many places as we like and not be too rushed with a decision just if we see one we like.

I hate having to change all the addresses it's a pain in the derrier.....


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