Stitch pain in left side


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Hi all,

I have had a stitch pain in my left side for 24 hours now. I did have this a few weeks ago and I rang midwife who was quite offish and told me to take paracetamol and have a bath! It did just go after a while but today I have done both of these things and it doesn't seem to be easing at all. I've got no bleeding or anything and it feels muscular so I'm guessing it's ligament pain. Just wondering if anyone else has had this at this stage in pregnancy?
Thanks in advance.
Pam xx
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure as it's my first but it's constant pain. Do BH come and go?
Pam x
Sounds a little like BH, not nice that midwife was offish.. my midwifes like that so i dont bother. If you feel something isnt right just ring your hospital and ask them if they think you should come in.. you know your body so you'll know if somethings not right.

Hope that helps... hope you and bump are ok x
Thanks for your post. There are a team of midwives and it's pot luck who's on duty and what response you get!! Baby is moving loads so I'm not too concerned- could just do without the pain! It's making me a bit grumpy and as I spent all last week saying how much I was missing my hubby as he was on nights, I haven't been overly nice to him tonight!! He just keeps saying well if you are in that much pain we won't be having another baby!! NOT helpful!!
Thanks again for your replies.
Pam xx
aww men hehe.. they will never fully understand.. Im terrible to my OH at times but he understands why, lucky enough..

Not long for you either, im due 2nd nov :D i cant wait, this is my first x
He's on the phone to his brother at the moment organising his visit next weekend. I think he knows he cheesed me off as he's saying that we will only be staying out as long as I want to as I am his priority at the moment! Gotta love him. x
He's on the phone to his brother at the moment organising his visit next weekend. I think he knows he cheesed me off as he's saying that we will only be staying out as long as I want to as I am his priority at the moment! Gotta love him. x


wey hey thats what you want to hear x

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