Pain in left side


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Just wondering if any of you mummies to be have had this. Well today i have had a sharp pain in my left side. Im assuming i have pulled a muscle or something as all sites say ligament pain shouldnt be a constant pain. It also hurts to touch. I shouldnt google things as i kept getting things about pre eclampsia and placenta coming away from the uterus.... :roll:
I get stitches when I'm walking about sometimes right across my bump?

I had that when I had a water infection, where is the pain? Mine was at the top but then radiated down to just below the bump.
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hope it feels better soon honey. Could just be a muscle or something so simple. xxxx
yeah im hoping it was muscle, just bit concerned now as i have been having quite uncomfortable braxton hicks with backache and cramping and lost some of my plug this morning :(
yeah im hoping it was muscle, just bit concerned now as i have been having quite uncomfortable braxton hicks with backache and cramping and lost some of my plug this morning :(

Past few days I've been having bad backache and BH that are quite painful!
Not sure about the plug though - maybe txt/ring your midwife to make sure it's normal?

Oh and never Google things - It's the devil!! :twisted:
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In know rachel isnt it just. Cant get hold of my midwife. no suprises there! Going to monitor it today and prob make a decision tomorrow when hubby is home xx

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