Still Waiting to OV


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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So the title says it all, I'm now on CD22 after MC and I'm still waiting to OV. My cycles before MC were pretty long but I would normally have OV'd before now.

I guess it's to be expected but I'm not sure what to do while I'm waiting. I'm so desperate for another bfp and I'm so hoping to just get it straight away. All this waiting is driving me crazy.

Not sure what to do while I wait :roll:
hi hun i still didnt ov since my mc in april although i was sure i had a few times. I have just got af back today its so frustrating waiting when all you want to do is get a little bean back in your tummy. xxxxxx
I'm sorry Kedi :(

Keeping bd'in regularly just incase :)

Congrats on AF showing Amy ;)
Hello :wave: Oh hun, sorry to hear you just got AF. Hope you're ok.

It's just so upsetting isn't it? I can't help but count the weeks waiting for OV and in doing that I keep reminding my self that now its 3 weeks I would have been 9 weeks PG now and now I'm nothing I'm just waiting.

We've been BD'ng regularly just in case I miss it on the OPKs for some reason.

I don't even know what to do about our fertility appointment in Aug. We found out we were PG just before the last one in May. The consultant wanted me to have a tube test or something and OH another sperm test. We were supposed to get these done before Aug. But now we got PG and then lost it I don't even know if we should still be having these tests and if we are completely back at square 1. I'm supposed to be ringing them to check but haven't been able to yet just in case they say the support is over.

Normally i'm doing ok, but feeling particularly down about it today. I'd just like a bean please, that's all :wall2:
i know how you feel i am trying to stay up beat but its hard sometimes although af is a step in the right direction i never thought i would be happy to see it lol. I would still go ahead with wot ever appointments you have hun at least you can rule everything out rather then not know. lets hope we both get a little bean soon xxxxx
I don't even know what to do about our fertility appointment in Aug. We found out we were PG just before the last one in May. The consultant wanted me to have a tube test or something and OH another sperm test. We were supposed to get these done before Aug. But now we got PG and then lost it I don't even know if we should still be having these tests and if we are completely back at square 1. I'm supposed to be ringing them to check but haven't been able to yet just in case they say the support is over

Get on the phone Kedi :hug:

Don't even give them the chance - just tell them that the last time you spoke to the consultant that he wanted to refer you for x, y and z and if it is possible to book them or if you need to see the consultant again first.

Claim fluke all the way. Doctors always try telling us it isn't impossible :hug:
This test they want to do has to be between day 1 and 12 of my cylce. At the moment I have no idea when that will be!! I'm really hoping before the end of August!

Its the not knowing why we suddenly go PG after so long. I know OH has given up smoking and I'm so hoping that it's just that. Maybe his swimmers are kind of normal again. Or was it just fluke? Or was it we were on holiday and relaxed? Who knows?? Maybe all 3!!!

I'll get OH onto his sperm test again this week. At least we will get he results from that and hopefully that might give us some clues.

Thanks girls.

Louise - Hope everything goes ok for you tomorrow. Let us know how you get on. xxx
Kedi, it must be awful for you are you using opk's? Gook luck hun xx
Thanks Faithangle, yes using OPKs everyday since CD14. I'm taking the day of the MC as CD1, whether that's right or not I don't know.
Sometimes it takes some time after a mc, so just try a keep strong and theres lots of support from all of us on here. xx

Hopefully things will start happening Soon x x

I demand u to ring the fertility ppl tomorrow no excuses!!!!! X x
Hey hun, hope hormones kick back in soon, it took mine a while after both MC and this one it took 10 weeks for AF to come back, hope you get positive OPK soon. x x x

Hopefully things will start happening Soon x x

I demand u to ring the fertility ppl tomorrow no excuses!!!!! X x

Oooooooh check you out being all bossy :lol:

I will ring them this week, I'm working from home for a couple of days so will get some privacy. Only 2 people at work know about the MC so it's hard to ring when I'm in the office.
Hey hun, hope hormones kick back in soon, it took mine a while after both MC and this one it took 10 weeks for AF to come back, hope you get positive OPK soon. x x x

Is so frustrating isn't it? I feel like I've dealt with the MC (although I still have moments) and now just want to get straight back on it. Come on body!! Sort yourself out!!

Seeing the BFPs this week has not helped my impatient nature one little bit.
Sorry :blush: didn't mean to be too bossy!
Jus looking out for you babe x needs to get sorted so you can get back on track x x
Sorry :blush: didn't mean to be too bossy!
Jus looking out for you babe x needs to get sorted so you can get back on track x x

LOL don't worry I was teasing you. It made me smile. xxxx

p.s. well done on the weight loss, I'm so impressed. xx
I've just POAS and have a faint line on the OPK - maybe it's on its way :) Come on OV!!!
Ha ha x good I am bossy!! Get to it girl!!

Thanx diet been hard but hoping to have my 1st stone off tomorrow x

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