Still waiting for af and I think its an evap?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Well still waiting for af, have an abudant amount of cm, infact I have felt wet down there for the past week or more, like when I was pg.

I did a 10miu of which I dont rate anyway, lots have had faint lines with them and than darker with a 20miu, anyhoo I did one this morning and there seemed to be a very faint line while waiting.

I left it for about 5 mins and it was still very very faint, so I didnt look then till this evening.

is this an evap?

when you looked at 5 mins was the line there then?
Yeah but mega faint, which is why I could'nt be botherd with it, I just thought it was my eyes playing tricks.
I can see a line as well! get a digi and let us know how you get on.

Do you have any symptoms?

Sending you babydust :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray:
No, no symptoms. just lots of cm like I said, I didn't have many symtoms with either Oli or the last pregnancy.

I will get a digi if af dont come by Monday as im planning to go out for drink then :lol:

Oh I would so love to be :pray: but if not so be it :(
i know nothing about evaporation lines hunny, do a proper test and put your mind at rest x
Hi Tash :wave:

My test was like that on the first one and it gor progessively darker. I did a CB digi to confirm and still did another 6 or so cheapie tests :oops:

Looks good to me hun :cheer:
if that line acme up in the first 10 mins then it's a bfp, so like you said it came up faint in the first 5 mins then no it's a deffo bfp and not a evap line :D :dance: :dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
tbh my faint line with my BFP was fainter than that!
:hug: Thank you everyone for your replys.

Well I have had a small amount of pink spotting today and its disapered, so its either af on her way or hopefully implantation :pray:
Either way it goes I will be a happy bunny :cheer: Just want to know where I am with my body :?
Hey Tasha,

Any update? I have my fingers crossed for you.

Valentine Xxx
Tasha you have marked a + on FF :D did you test again? I am :pray: that you did that line looked a definate + to me.

Jane x

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