Still not walking.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Santi is 15 months old today and he is still not walking. He will cruise round the furniture with no problems.
He also spends most of his time when cruising on his tip toes.
Any ideas what i can do to help :D
Lucy was about 14/15 months when she started walking and there wasn't much we did to influence her, she just wasn't interested in moving far. I used to try putting objects away from her to encourage her to walk (or even crawl) to them but she just wasn't interested! One day she just got up and walked.

I think he'll just do it when he's ready. Sorry I wasn't very helpful lol!!
my brother didn't walk til he was 2!! :shock: there was nothing wrong with him apart from extreme laziness :lol: :lol:
My son didn't walk until he was 16 months. He was cruising for a good few months prior to that.

They do it when they're good and ready, you just have to be patient :D Once my son did walk, he took to it straight away.
apparently i didn't take my first steps until i was just over two years. i was a bum shuffler and lazy! ha! i wouldnt worry you've got at least another 11 months before id worry. I work in a nursery and theres always a handful that dont walk until late.
Oliver is 15 months old today as well, and he isn't walking.
he is cruising round no problem, and walks really well with a walker.

he literally, yesterday took maybe 2-3 unaided steps and then fell forward. it's only these last 2 days or so he's been letting go and standing on his own.

i need to film him! v
Alex is 13 months and can't even stand up lol
My son didnt walk till 18 months and my little girl is crawling beautifully and cruising the furniture but not ready to let go yet. Its all about confidense!

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