Still not heard from Midwife


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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So I believe I'm 10 weeks on Monday however I still haven't heard from my midwife to make an appointment let alone see her. I shall be ringing on Monday and chasing it up but I'm worried why she hasn't even attempted to ring me upto yet to make an appointment. x
Hey Zoe Im the same doc said she would reccomend a early scann cos of my pcos and still heard nothing and been calling the dept of hospital all day thur n fri n no answer SOOOO anoying

I think im 6 weeks going by the clear blue tests but doc guessed at a week r so exra so by her dates im 8 ish so would have expected to have heard from them straight away for the early scann but nothing,

So fustrating isnt it
Hey I am only 6 weeks but doctors wouldnt see me unless i didnt want my little bean :-( so i just jotted down my name and number and they said they would pass it on to a midwife. I shouldnt worry too much every area is different. I am from Doncaster and we are short on staff for midwifes so i just gotta wait. Luckily for me my mum is trained in midwifery and is a district nurse for the next county so I have her for advice and what not. I would be chasing them up though babe 10 weeks is a bit much I bet you are dying for your scan xx good luck
Well the midwives said I would hear from them about 8 weeks, so I'm going to ring them again tomorrow and see what luck that gets me x
So I rang the midwives number this morning considering I am not 10 weeks. And ages of it being busy I have made an appointment for next friday so I will almost be 12 weeks then.
Least I am finally getting somewhere.
i just got a letter this morning for my first app on the 16th of august so i'll be like 10 weeks then. not too shabby since its just after i get back from a festival
Well when I first called the midwives they said they would call me around 8weeks to make my booking in appointment and they never did, thats why I ended up calling them today and I shall be 11+4 when I have my booking in appt. x
Great news at least you have your date now :)

I Finaly got trough to hosp today and she said my antenatal appointment ( any ideas what that is are welcome) is booked for the 31st of august and that my booking in app has not yet been booked? no reason why not though, When i explained I was due a early scann she mummbled off something about scans are between 12 and 15 weeks and you need to have a booking in app first but she had just said I have a app but not a booking in one

So confused, She said she will get girl from that department to phone me tomorrow but im not gonna hold my breth lol

Is it just me or do they expect us to automatically accuire a gift or hospital administration knowledge on conception !!!!
Hugsy;; did you hear anything from them today?
I do think they expect us to know things ourselves, considering I will be almost 12 weeks when I have my booking in appointment. I was saying to my mum the baby will be toddling by the time I get an appointment. Then they got back to me. x
No nothing today not that im at all surprised, Will try calling again tmrw but took me 4 days to get someone to answer the phone, Its hard when work dont know cos I have to run out to my car to make the call and then they dont answer n I have to go again its gettin a wee bit suspicious lol

Had a friend over who has a 9 month old baby and said she got some sort of white card that she had to take everywher with her and that my doc should have given it to me? did you get one from your gp?

Im starting to worry that I need to maybe make some of the appointments my self , where I live there is no maternity hospital you just go to the women and childrens outpatients dept of the normal hospital for all your scans and apps so its even more confusing

How you feeling today?
Did she mean the exemption card, Don't quote me on it but I think you have to wait for first midwife appointment, I don't have one yet either. I'm lucky as i work on my own most of the time so I can make my calls. Took me forever to get in touch with my midwife, seems too long. Hopefully things get moving at some point for you. Anyway; how I'm feeling. Bit weird,, don't have mant symptoms lately. Still got my nausea. Thats pretty much it. youu? xx

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